“Fuck,” I swear under my breath. I get my hands on her ass and drag her in closer until I’m buried to the hilt inside her.

She puts her arms around my neck, and I can feel her clawing at my shoulders, raking hot lines down my back as I fuck her. The pain just adds to it, and I pound into her tight channel, making sure she feels every single inch of me.

Her cries ring out in the bathroom, but I don’t give a fuck if any of the others hear us. This is our moment. This is our thing.

She’s pressed against my chest, and I know that has to be putting pressure on her piercing. I can feel the blood from it soaking into my shirt, making it even more of a mess than it was before.

It’s all just a part of it. All just foreplay that rolls into sex for us.

I slam my cock into her again and again, and she screams and thrashes and holds on as best she can.

It’s violent and rough, and any tenderness is wrapped up in the chaos of it. Maybe thisistenderness for us, I don’t fucking know.

I can feel her leaving bloody scratches down my back, and each time I flex and pull at one of the scrapes, it makes me fuck into her harder. Her body takes it so well. Legs spread wide, pussy soaking wet and letting me in again and again.

It sounds like a goddamn porno in here with all the moaning and the harsh breathing and her pussy being so wet. All of that goes to my head, and I can tell that my orgasm isn’t going to take long to rush over me.

River’s already glassy-eyed and out of it, high on that pain and pleasure and not coming down any time soon. I thrust into her a few more times, and then reach between our bodies to grab the ring in her nipple.

I keep fucking her while I tug at it gently enough that it won’t tear through her skin or fuck up the hole, but hard enough that I know she feels it.

She gives a strangled noise that’s agony and ecstasy wrapped into one, and then her core goes tight like a vise around my cock. Locks it in a stranglehold as she comes with another scream and digs her nails into my skin.

She practically milks my own orgasm out of me, and I follow her over that edge with a low grunt.

It feels damn good, and I pump all I’ve got into her, fucking her until I go soft.

In the aftermath, we’re both sweaty, a little sore, and streaked with blood. River sits on the counter, leaning back against the mirror and trying to catch her breath. Her pussy drips with her release and mine, and her nipple is bleeding again.

She looks fucking radiant like this. Like she went toe-to-toe with a beast and came out of it on top. We both won, and knowing she can go a full round with the monster inside me is the sexiest fucking thing.

There’s no doubt about it. I’m fucking addicted to this girl.