
Our lips crashtogether again and again, hot, hard, and desperate. I can feel it in myself and the way it’s answered in him. He was talking like he knows how I feel, like he understands me, and I hated it, but there’s something about this kiss that makes me think he might actually be right.

His fingers dig into my jaw again, pressing against my skin, and he uses that hold to control the kiss. He tips my head back with that grip and then plunges his tongue into my mouth, devouring me in a way that makes heat burn through me.

I answer him by twining my tongue with his, giving as good as I get and teasing and tempting him to kiss me more, harder, better.

Gage meets that challenge head on. He bites down on my lower lip and tugs it into his mouth, sucking on it lightly before biting down harder, making sure I can feel it.

I fist my hands in his shirt, holding on tight while I rock in the waves of heat and sensation that rise in me.

When we finally break apart, my makeup is smeared all over his lips, white and black, a messy sort of claim. He’s panting lightly, and he looks at me with that intense stare before wiping the back of his hand across his mouth.

“Get on your knees,” he tells me, voice low and firm. It’s the voice he uses when he wants to get shit done and expects to be obeyed.

Usually, I’d tell him to go fuck himself for giving me orders, but now there’s the distraction of the arousal beating against my ribcage in time with my heartbeat, and I want to do what he says.

So I drop to my knees, dragging my nails down his chest as I go.

I know what he wants me down here for, and my hands go right for his belt, undoing it and his pants so I can pull his cock out.

It’s already hard in my hand, thick and pulsing with heat. There’s a bead of precum at the tip, and I use my thumb to smear it over the head of him, rubbing the sticky fluid in and then popping my thumb in my mouth to taste him.

“Suck my cock,” he breathes. I can hear how affected he is, how much he wants it, and I keep my eyes on him as I drag my tongue up his shaft slowly.

I ease my mouth over the head of him, getting more of that salty proof of how turned on he is from the source.

“Fuck,” Gage curses, and when I look up at him, he’s staring right back down at me, those green eyes even more piercing than usual. He seems imposing like this, almost intimidating, and it sends a thrill up my spine that I like.

“I said suck me,” he rasps, and I roll my eyes but do as he says.

I suck on the head of him at first, making it wet and sloppy. Drool slips past my lips, running down his shaft, and I lick it up before putting my mouth back where he wants it and working him as deep as I can.

My head bobs back and forth, and I take him all the way down over and over again, holding him at the back of my throat for a second before pulling off to breathe.

“Knox was right,” he pants. “You do look like an angel of death. But a filthy one now.”

He’s probably right. My makeup is smeared all to hell, and my mouth is stretched around his cock.

He thrusts deeper into my throat, hitting the back of it, and I swallow around him before bobbing my head faster.

Gage isn’t gentle with me, and I don’t want him to be. I don’t want coddling or lovemaking or whatever the fuck. I want something I can lose myself to. I want to be able to turn off my brain so it stops thinking about anything but him. The way he feels in my mouth, hot and hard and heavy. The smooth texture of his skin and the weight of his cock against my tongue.

He grabs a fistful of my hair when I go to pull back to snatch a breath, and he holds me down a bit longer, making me take it.

I splutter around him, and when he finally pulls back to let me breathe, drool and precum drip from my lips. That grip on my hair keeps me in place, and he uses it to hold me there while he thrusts into my mouth hard.

All I have to do is kneel there and take it. Let him use my mouth like he used my pussy the last time we fucked. He practically rams himself into my mouth, and I relax, letting him fuck into my throat. I use my tongue to swirl around his cock when I can, and the sound of his harsh breathing combines with the wet noise of him fucking my mouth.

There are no outside thoughts. No remembered pain or worry. Everything that happened tonight is far away, and all I know is Gage. Just him and the way he makes me feel.

As he gets closer to coming, I can feel his thrusts getting more erratic. His body trembles with fine tremors, and I can feel them through his cock. He stares down at me, and I keep looking up at him, tears springing into my eyes when he forces himself as deep as he can go and holds there, cutting off my air for one second, two, three, four.

Just when I’m getting lightheaded, he pulls back, letting me gasp for air before he slams back into my throat again. It’s like he wants to fuck it raw, and I’m not fucking complaining at all.

He chokes some words I can’t quite make out, but it doesn’t matter what they are. I can tell he’s at the point of no return. His cock is buried in my throat, and he comes hard, curling over me a little as he finishes. His back bows, and I gag a little with those last few thrusts as he empties himself down my throat.