Page 131 of Twisted Game

That makes my heart beat faster, and I swallow before whispering, “So have I.”

With one more kiss, he lifts me up and off his lap, and I flop down onto the couch. My limbs feel heavy and wobbly, and my head is still spinning a bit.

“You know one difference between your dream and real life?” Ransom asks, reaching over to trail his fingers up the side of my thigh.


“In real life, Malice doesn’t just like to watch.” His palm comes to rest on my hip. “What do you think? Can you take more?”

My stomach flips over, fear and desire warring inside me. I know for a fact that sex with Malice isn’t going to be the same as sex with Ransom was. He’s not going to be gentle, and he’s going to take what he wants. My body has already been through a lot, and there’s a lingering soreness between my legs from being fucked for the first time.

But I’m already nodding.

The word, “yes,” is already falling from my lips.

And as if all Malice was waiting for was that single word, he’s up and out of his chair, stalking toward me. Victor is still sitting on the other chair, so there’s nothing and no one between Malice and me as he comes over, his pants hanging off his hips and his cock jutting out like a tattooed monster. He doesn’t pause when he reaches me, just grabs my ankles and drags me to the end of the couch.

I yelp as I’m pulled across the cushions, but I don’t put up any resistance as he props my ass up on the arm of the couch, spreading me wide open.

Heat burns in my cheeks, and the shyness I felt earlier resurfaces for long enough to make me try to close my legs. That voice in the back of my head is whispering that this is too much, toowrong, that I shouldn’t be enjoying it as much as I am, and I squirm in place, breathing hard.

I don’t see Malice draw his hand back, but I do feel the sting when he slaps my inner thigh lightly, the sound ringing out in the living room.

“Don’t hide from me,” he says. “I want to see you.Allof you.”

I swallow hard, heat pooling low in my belly as I slowly spread my legs open, holding his gaze the entire time.

He nods in approval as he watches, sliding one hand over my stomach.

“I saw how you looked that night,” he murmurs. “When I was fucking that girl on this couch. You were standing in the shadows of the hallway, looking like a deer in headlights, but I could see the fire in your eyes too. How turned on you were. You wanted to be in her place, didn’t you?”

“I…” The words stick in my throat, my head suddenly full of the memory. Malice fucked her like heownedevery bit of her pleasure, and my body hummed with a desire I was terrified to admit existed.

“Say it,” Malice demands. “Tell me the truth,Solnyshka. Did you want to be the one I fucked? Did you soak your panties watching her take my cock?”

He grips a handful of my ass in his strong fingers as he says it, and I cry out, shaking in his hold.

Liquid fire burns through me as I think of the way my body reacted, almost against my will. It seems like it was a long time ago, even though it wasn’t. But I was a different person then, as if living with these men has fundamentally altered my DNA.

“I—I wanted it,” I finally manage to get out, and it’s barely audible. I swallow and try again, staring up at him as I breathe hard. “I wanted it. I wanted to be her.”

Malice grins, predatory and possessive.

“I’ll fuck you better than her,” he promises. “I’ll make you feel so good you’ll get addicted to my cock. I’ll give you every fucking thing you want.”

There’s a second where I’m stunned by his words, but then he’s pushing his cock into me, and everything else flies right out of my head.

As soon as his crown presses past my entrance, he drives into me hard and fast, and I feel like all the breath is punched out of me. He’s so,sofucking big, and before now, I wouldn’t have thought my body could even stretch enough to take him.

But it can. It does, giving way to let him inside, and it hurts and feels good in equal measure. Pain and pleasure blur until they become a single thing, spearing through me and making it hard to breathe.

I open my mouth, but no sound comes out. All I can do is gape up at Malice, trying to remember how to draw oxygen into my lungs as he pistons his hips. It’s brutal and intense, and he doesn’t let up. Each thrust slams into me with a hard finish, his cock slamming in as deep as it can go.

His face is a mask of savage strength, his jaw clenched, his lips pressed together so hard they’re almost white.

It’s everything I’ve been wanting from him. Everything I’ve thought of but couldn’t admit I craved—ever since the first time he touched me, and especially since that moment we shared in the darkened work room when he said he’d destroy me if I let him.

He wasn’t lying. If I wasn’t already opened up from coming several times and having Ransom inside me, he probably would have broken me.