Page 129 of Twisted Game

“I thought…”

I bite my lip, trailing off, but he gets my meaning. He chuckles darkly, sending another vibration though me.

“You picked Ransom as the first one to fuck you in your dream,” he says, and there’s a bit of possessive jealousy in his voice. “So that’s how it’ll be in real life.”

His hand grips my thigh hard and then works its way up to my pussy. He pushes two fingers into me, not bothering to be gentle, and even with how wet I am, the intrusion is overwhelming and unexpected enough to take my breath away.

“Besides,” he murmurs. “If I took you first, I’d break you. I don’t fuck gentle.”

My heart slams against my ribs like it’s trying to break free. I remember watching him fuck that woman, the way he slammed into her, taking her hard and fast right here in this room. There was definitely nothing gentle about it.

Malice works his fingers a little deeper into me, and when he adds a third one, I arch against him, my body leaning into the stretch of it. It burns a bit, but it’s like when he was tattooing me. The pain blends with the pleasure, and it’s a heady cocktail that makes me lightheaded and even more needy than I already was.

When he has me writhing on his lap, twisting and gasping, Malice pulls his fingers free. He lifts me up and sets me on my feet, and I manage not to fall, even though my legs are wobbly and my knees feel like they’re made of jelly.

“Go on,” he says, jerking his chin toward his brother.

Slowly, I walk across the room to where Ransom is sitting on the couch. He grins at me, and it’s such a contrast from Malice’s dark brand of teasing. He reaches out a hand, and I take it, letting him pull me down onto his lap, straddling him.

Between the two of us, we get his pants the rest of the way down, and then his cock is right there, standing up hard and thick. It slides right against my pussy as we roll our hips together, and I whimper softly, my body giving a pulse of need.

The nerves of my first time are still there, though, and even though Ransom isn’t quite as big as Malice is, his cock is still pretty fucking huge… and it’s going to have to fit inside me somehow.

“Hey.” Ransom slides a hand to the back of my neck, resting there, warm and sure. “Look at me.”

I do, finding his eyes and peering into those ocean blue depths. His lips quirk up in a smile, and he pulls me down into a warm kiss.

This is familiar, and I go with it, melting against him. If he was trying to get me to relax, it’s working, and some of the anxiety around losing my virginity fades away to the background, drowned out by the warm undercurrent of how much I want this.

When we pull away, I’m breathing hard again, and Ransom’s eyes are darker. He keeps his hand at my nape, sliding his fingers through the wispy hairs there.

“Are you on anything?” he asks.

I know what he means, and I nod. “I’ve got an implant.”

It’s something I started pretty much as soon as I got my first period, back when I lived with my mom, and I’ve gotten it replaced every three years like clockwork. After I was almost raped at her house, I didn’t want to take any chances.

A devastating smile pulls at his lips. “Good. Because I want to fuck you raw. Nothing between us. I’m clean.”

My heart stutters, and I nod. Bracing my knees on the couch, I rise up a little, and Ransom finds my slick opening with the head of his cock.

“Take a deep breath for me,” he murmurs, and I do. He nods in satisfaction, his thumb rubbing gently over the back of my neck. “Good. One more.”

I do that too, and then gasp softly when I feel him start to work himself into me. It’s like when we were in his bed, and he was teasing me with just the tip. Then, I wanted so desperately for him to push all the way in, but now that he’s doing it, I wonder how this is even going to work.

He feels so much bigger inside me than he looked, and the stretch burns and aches. Inch by inch, he works his way in, up until he meets a firm resistance that stops him. His face is tight, and he exhales on a muttered curse. But he’s still gentle for the first bit, giving me a chance to catch my breath and get used to the feeling of being partially impaled by his cock.

Then he catches my gaze, and I can see the hunger clear on his face.

“Are you ready?” he murmurs, his voice so low that I know it’s meant only for me.

I nod before I have time to overthink it, and Ransom’s hips surge upward. He punches the rest of the way into me, breaking through the resistance and seating himself fully inside me.

I cry out because it does hurt a little, but more than anything it feels… overwhelming. His cock is a hot, throbbing line inside me, and I can feel the metal of his piercings against my inner walls, rubbing insistently as he moves.

The pace is steady at first, but Ransom doesn’t hold back. It’s like he’s making up for all the waiting he’s had to do by pushing into me again and again, getting my body used to the feeling of being fucked like this. One of his hands is still at the back of my neck, and the other grips my hip, helping to guide my movements as our bodies sync up.

My head is already spinning, and I hold on to Ransom to steady myself. I wasn’t prepared for how this would feel. I never thought that losing my virginity would feel like a monumental thing.