Page 10 of Twisted Game

“I’m not!” I insist, horrified that I’m having to defend my virginity to someone like this. Her insults hurt, but she’s right. It’s not like anyone has been interested before.

She acts like she didn’t even hear me, tapping my thighs to get me to spread my legs. Horror creeps in as I realize what she’s about to do, and I feel sick to my stomach as she snaps on a glove, then pushes aside the cheap black panties I put on and presses first one finger and then another a few inches inside me.

It feels clinical, like getting a pelvic exam, but so much worse because of the judgment and what I know is coming.

“You’ll do,” Giselle finally announces. She pulls her fingers free and peels off her glove, then sets into a flurry of movement.

She yanks the coat off me and flings it over onto the side, leaving me standing in the middle of the room in the nightie. Her hands move to my hair, fluffing it and pushing sections behind my ears.

“Here are the ground rules,” Giselle says curtly as she works. “Whatever your john for the night wants, you’ll do. No matter what it is. Nothing is off the table if you want to get paid. At the end of the night, if there are no complaints, you’ll get your money. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” I whisper, nodding.

She steps back, giving me one final look over. She doesn’t seem pleased, and she shakes her head. “It’s just going to have to be good enough. Come with me.”

I snatch my coat up before Giselle takes me to a room at the back of the building, and I swear my legs get shakier with every step. Finally, she stops outside a door, opens it, and practically pushes me inside the room. She doesn’t say anything else, just leaves, closing the door behind her.

My gaze darts around, my pulse spiking, but then I realize I’m alone. My john isn’t here yet.

Thank fuck.

I’m not sure what I expected, but with a name like The Rose Garden, I thought the rooms would be nicer. This is very bare bones, just a bed and a side table with a lamp on it, but I guess you don’t really need much more than that for what’s about to happen in here.

I shove my coat under the bed, then pace the floor a bit, unable to stay still as my body pulses with adrenaline and anxiety. But that’s probably not a good first impression for whatever man is going to come through the door, so I make myself sit down on the bed instead, fidgeting and trying to stop.

After a few minutes that seem to both drag and rush by, the door opens again.

A man steps inside the room, and my breath catches.

The first thing I notice is that he’s huge. The bouncers at Sapphire are big, but this man ismassive. Everything about him looks brutal and harsh, and my heart rate kicks up another notch as his dark eyes meet mine. He has a square jaw and a thick neck, and his dark hair is cropped close to his head.

He takes in the sight of me on the bed and strides over to get a better look, doing the same up and down thing that Giselle did before.

When his attention lands on my scars, I can see his lips twitch into a sneer.

“Where did you get those?” he asks, and his voice comes out deep and thickly accented. He sounds Russian, which I guess explains more things than it doesn’t.

My stomach flips over at the question, and my mouth is suddenly dry as a bone. Talking about my scars with this terrifying man somehow seems worse than having sex with him, and even if I wanted to, I can’t find my voice. So I just don’t answer.

He narrows his eyes at my silence and leans down, his thick fingers grabbing my chin in a tight grip that makes me wince.

“When I ask you a question, you better answer me,” he growls. “When I tell you to do something, you’d better do it.”

He pauses like he’s waiting for me to say something, but I’m not sure how he expects me to get any words out with him looming over me like this.

“If you are not big on talking,” he grunts out, “then maybe I should put your mouth to use in a different way.”

Even if I could find my voice, he’s on me before I’d be able to get a word in edgewise. One of his huge hands grips my shoulder, pulling me off the bed and shoving me down so I’m on my knees in front of him.

My heart crashes into overdrive, pounding heavily against my ribs as he undoes his pants with one hand, drawing out his cock and pressing it toward me.

It’s the biggest one I’ve ever seen, which I guess isn’t really saying much, since I’ve only ever seen one up close before. But his erection looks like a fucking monster, and I can’t see how there’s any way it’s going to fit into my mouth.

I freeze, feeling sick to my stomach, and the guy gives an impatient growl. When I don’t immediately jump to suck him off, he rubs the head of his cock against my lips.

“Open,” he demands, his voice deep and gravelly.
