Page 4 of Twisted Game

My vision is blurry with tears, and I keep my head down as I walk down the dark street, heading for the bus stop so I can go home. I’m so lost in my thoughts that I don’t see the large body in front of me until I crash right into it.

“Shit!” I jerk back, wiping my eyes quickly as I try to keep my balance.

“Whoa. Careful, there.”

Large hands steady me, and I look up and blink in surprise. The guy I slammed into is tall and broad-shouldered, dressed casually in a pair of worn jeans and a t-shirt that clings to his muscled arms. The streetlight overhead glints off the metal bar in his eyebrow as he cocks his head. His eyes are a shade of blueish-green that reminds me of the ocean, and they glitter as he looks down at me.

“You okay? You had a pretty good head of steam built up there.”

He quirks a crooked half smile as he speaks, one side of his mouth lifting higher than the other. When he tilts his head a little, the movement shows off the bronze highlights running through his messy brown hair.

My heart lurches as I realize I’m staring at him, tear tracks still drying on my face.

“I’m fine,” I say quickly, stepping back and out of his grip. “Sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

“Don’t worry about it.” He shrugs, then narrows his eyes a little as he glances at my tear-streaked cheeks. “You sure you’re alright? I don’t need to beat up some fucker for you, do I?”

That startles a laugh out of me, and he grins.

His eyes flick over me, but not with the same nasty leer that Carl had. This seems more like… interest? Or curiosity, maybe.

But Sapphire is in a pretty sketchy area, and even though this guy is gorgeous, he’s definitely dangerous too. He wears an air of ‘fuck around and find out’ like a second skin, and even if we were in a better part of Detroit, that aura would still radiate from him.

“No. No, it’s fine,” I mutter. “I just need to get home.”

Without giving him a chance to say anything else, I turn and hurry away.

I try to keep my head down and keep walking, but I can’t resist looking over my shoulder for one last look at the guy. He’s still watching me, and our eyes meet for just a second. It’s enough to make my stomach flip over, and I whip my head back around, almost jogging the last block to the bus stop.

The bus is just about to pull away when I get there, and I practically throw myself onto it, not relaxing for one second on the ride back to my apartment.

With most of my money going toward school, a tiny one bedroom in a sketchy complex is the best I can afford. Still, I pat the railing with something like relief and affection as I climb the stairs to the second floor where I live.

When I turned eighteen, I got away from my adoptive mom’s house as soon as I could. I was tired of being kept up at night, listening to her fuck whoever could pay, and then dealing with her mood swings during the day. She lives in a small house near Eight Mile, and even though she still has a way of sucking me back into her life, at least I’ve got a place I can escape to now.

A place that’s all mine.

After locking the deadbolt, I toss my bag on the creaky old twin bed in my room and then peel myself out of my clothes, heading for the shower.

The pipes clatter and clang as the water starts to pour down, and I breathe a sigh of gratitude that this is one of the nights the water heater has decided to work. I need it after the day I’ve had.

Usually, a quick scrub is enough to get a long day of classes and work off me, but it’s harder to feel clean tonight. I spend a little extra time under the spray, then get out and put on my softest pajamas before curling up on the couch to do homework and watch a home improvement show.

Still, no matter how much I try to lose myself in my usual routines, I can’t stop my mind from returning over and over to the deal I made with Carl, nerves and shame and hope warring inside me.

This time next week, I’ll be ten thousand dollars richer.

And no longer a virgin.



“Oh god!Oh fuck!Yes! Rightthere! Take me harder, daddy,please!”

I roll my eyes but give the woman in front of me what she wants, slamming into her so hard that my pelvis slaps against her ass. Each stroke sends me in balls deep, and I grip her hips hard enough that there will be bruises left behind.

She’s bent over the bed in my room, her upper half sprawled out on the mattress while her feet are on the floor, legs spread and hips bucking.