“I’m waiting, Luca.”

“The title, Father? Youaremy biological father, if only just that and nothing more. I’m tired of living this lie. Yeah, you’re the mighty boss of our extended family but that’s where it stops. You’re supposed to be more than that to us than just the man who gave us life. It’s time that you are reminded of that.”

“Believe me, it’s not something I’m likely to ever forget.”

Luca puffed on the cigar as he stared at his father through the thick haze of smoke. There was no denying the cold regret in his father’s voice, confirming what he’d come to realize years ago. Marco had never wanted children but he’d conceded to his wife’s demands. Isabella was his one and only weakness. His love for her knew no bounds but that same love had never been extended to his children.

How many times, since coming face to face with his brother, Angelo, who he believed had been left to die in the middle of the ocean by his father, had he wished that their fate had been switched. That it had been him, instead, who had managed to escape the life as the son of a Mafia Boss where he could live a life devoid of criminality, of the singular drive to achieve power at any cost— where the employment of murder and the threat of violence werede rigueurto achieve that end.

Marco was stumped by the change in him, at how, all of a sudden, he now desired something different… a life where his brother played a major role— not his criminal father.

“Living a lie? You live life in the lap of luxury, you ungrateful little shit. If not for me, where the fuck do you think you would be today? Hm? Tell me?” Marco’s fist cracked on the dining room table. He stabbed a finger against his chest. “I made you and your brothers what you are today. I’m the one who offered you this life…” he gestured around the luxurious interior, “thisis what you are and the kind of environment you excel in, Luca. A man who loves money and power— feared and respected by many.Idid that for you. Don’t you ever forget it.”

“Believe me, it’s not something I’m likely to forget.”

Marco smoldered as his own words were used to mock him. His eyes turned to slits as he stared at Luca. Something was wrong. He had been feeling it for months now. Treating his sons the same as he did everyone else in the hierarchy of the Five Families was a well-known fact. He had never regretted it but something had triggered anger in his oldest son.

No. It wasn't anger. It was resentment. It was there in the dark flash of his eyes.

“You better tell me what the hell’s going on, Luca. My patience is rapidly running out.”

Luca stared at the glowing cherry as he rolled the thick cigar between his fingers. His plans to undermine his father had been in place for months but now with Angelo turning up alive, his desire to proceed had been put on pause and made him question the path he’d been on.

Until he decided whether he truly wanted this kind of life, he’d have to play his cards right. Sparking suspicion about his commitment to Marco becoming the next chairman wasn’t clever. It was time to back down… for now at least.

“Ali Mohammed Fadhil is a formidable man, Boss. I suggest you keep him as an ally. He’s not the kind of man we can afford to have as an enemy. “

A low growl emanated from Marco’s chest at Luca cleverly redirecting the discussion back to his original question. He knew his son well enough to realize he had effectively drawn a line and he wouldn’t budge, no matter how hard he pushed for answers.

“I’m aware of that but I’m concerned that he’d backstab us.”

“He’d be a fool if he did and that’s the one thing Fadhil is not. He knows very well of the global reach The Commission has. It wouldn’t be in his best interest to dob us into Interpol. Besides, I don’t believe he’d expose himself any more than he needs to. He’s a terrorist on the FBI’s most wanted list. His first priority is self-preservation.”

“I don’t like not knowing, Luca. You’ve built a rapport with him over the past year. Get in contact with him and find out what his plans are. We need to be prepared for any and all possibilities. I don’t want any more fucking surprises.” He lit a cigar as he sat back down. “More importantly, we need to get rid of The Cobras. They are the ones fucking up all our plans.” He cut a sideward glance at Luca. “Make it happen… son.”

Luca was hard pressed not to bark out a laugh, if not for struggling with the surprise at Marco’s underhanded tactic. Acknowledging him as his son now after all these years in an effort to pacify his ire would have been clever under other circumstances. It didn’t wash with Luca. He knew he was being gaslighted. Besides, the recognition had come much too late to matter.

Wiping away the hatred that had resurfaced for what Marco had done to Angelo would take a lifetime of repentance and that was never going to happen.

Guh, scrap that. Nothing he could do would change how I feel.

Angelo had been his hero and he had loved him more than he did his parents. Marco had ripped away the foundation that had kept him grounded in his life and then denied him the need to mourn his loss. For that, Luca would never be able to forgive him, especially now that Angelo was back in his life.

And now that he is, I’m going to make sure I get to know him and no one is going to stand in my way.

Not even Marco.

Chapter Four

Jordan awoke to the smell of bacon teasing her nostrils. For a confused few seconds, her mind was cast back to her childhood and the breakfasts her mother used to make. She blinked as she focused on her surroundings. It took a couple of minutes for her memory to settle into place as she looked around the unfamiliar room. Bit by bit the previous day and night came back to her complete with her annoyance at Brock for ignoring her subtle attempts to seduce him to join her in her room after dinner for a little horizontal boogying.

Who would’ve thought that he was the perfect gentleman? Gmphf, what a waste of my valuable libido!

She sighed at the end of a lazy stretch. A soft groan escaped from her throat as she felt the lingering ache in her back and shoulders from being strung up for hours without any relief.

“Ah, you’re awake.”

Jordan froze at the guttural voice that floated towards her from the kitchen.Kitchen? She ran her hand over her eyes as the memory of tiptoeing down the stairs in the middle of the night for a snack flashed through her mind. Days of being starved had left her feeling ravenous even after having a large dinner earlier. She must’ve fallen asleep on the sofa after gobbling down the sandwich she’d made.