Brock shrugged. “Addiction comes in many forms. This one is probably the hardest to crack. Besides, even though I hate the way the smoke chokes me, I also love the way it intoxicates me.”

“I’d much rather be inebriated by Paxton’s kisses than tarring up my lungs and shortening my life span.”

“You’re preaching to the converted.” Brock flicked the half-smoked butt and watched the arched trajectory with its glowing red tip disappear into the night.

“She’s truly an amazing woman,” he responded to Jared’s earlier question about Jordan. “A bit willful and cheeky but that adds to her charm. She needs a firm hand to curb the impulsiveness that seems to be a bad characteristic all of the red kitties share.”

“True, but as a man who has committed himself to one of those red kitties, let me give you an advance warning. Passion is what drives every action they take, including acting without proper thought. You better be prepared, my friend. Their passion is like a never-ending rodeo. Everything with them is the extreme— the higher the high, the lower the low, and with time the emotions become more intense. Her love will be intoxicating, her laughter soul uniting, and high jinxes— just intense crazy-ass fun.”

“It seems Paxton has you tied up in knots.”

“I’m not complaining. Besides, I wouldn’t have it any other way. She completes me. It’s something I never thought I’d experience.” He squeezed Brock’s shoulder. “You were dealt a raw hand with Cecile. I know you loved her… and adored little Courtney but it’s been fifteen years since the accident.”

“I made a promise at her graveside that I would be true to her as the only love of my life, Jared. I know it’s stupid to have clung to that all these years but every time I’m attracted to another woman, it comes back to haunt me and I end up walking away.”

“Because you’re an honorable man. I knew Cecile, Brock. There’s just no way in hell she’d want you to live a life of loneliness because of a promise you made during an emotionally devastating time. You know that as well as I do.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” He ran a languid hand over the tight crop of his crewcut. “It’s becoming more difficult to conjure up her image. Instead, I find myself distracted with carnal thoughts of a black-haired hellion who has the ability to give me an erection at the most inappropriate times. It’s fucking annoying to say the least.”

Jared smirked at the comment. “In no way would I ever call a hard-on unwanted. There will come a time when you’ll not want to waste one. Anyway, it sounds like you’re finally ready to move on, Brock. Do it. Don’t wait and let her slip through your fingers. Grasp the opportunities a woman like her can offer. You’re getting old, my friend and believe me, you don’t want to go down that road alone.”

“It’s not as though I haven’t had my share of women over the years, you know. I’m not a complete celibate.”

“Indulging in an a la carte menu of pussy is one thing. Having one who is eager to service only you, is quite another, especially if her sexual orientation complements yours.”

“My Dom instinct told me she’s a submissive.”

“She is, and according to Paxton, very popular among the Doms at the club they frequent.”

“Not if I have anything to say about it,” Brock grumbled, surprised at the flash of jealousy blinding him as a vision of her submitting to another man’s hand filled his mind. “Her days offrequentingare about to be nipped in the bud.”

“That’s the spirit.”

“And there’s no time like the present.”

Brock found himself inside Jordan’s room within minutes. The scattering of clothes on the plush carpet led a path to the en suite bathroom. He wondered if it was another bad habit or a frantic ripping off the garments that reeked of her tortured incarceration. He suspected it might be a combination of the two.

Not a sound was coming from the bathroom— not the spatter of water nor the gentle rustle of bathing. The darkening of his eyes to a deep charcoal shadowed concern as he walked towards the en suite bathroom. He stopped in the doorway… and stared.

Damn it to hell. I’m screwed.

He glanced around the luxurious bathroom in an effort to curb his spiking testosterone. The earthy feel was courtesy of the paver stone wall tiles of travertine that was complemented by similar terracotta floor tiles. The dark wood vanities were a brilliant contrast to the white marble counters.

Jordan was submerged in the large oval bathtub filled to the brim. A floating boom of thick, black hair framed a porcelain face just under the surface. What kept him transfixed was a pair of long, tanned legs hooked over the side. Even her narrow feet were arousing with their bright red painted toenails.

She’s so beautiful.Dazzled by the vision, decadent thoughts tore through his mind as he looked on. The high cheekbones drew him closer, a perfect symmetry with her heart-shaped jaw and straight nose. Even in repose, her full red lips were drawn into an inviting pout. His fingers brushed over her cheeks without an order from his brain.

“What the fuck!” Brock’s surprised gasp disappeared into the din of water splashing onto the floor as the black-haired nymph caught his wrist and with an unexpected twist upended him into the tub. In a second she was on top, pinning him in place with a knee on his chest. He blocked the deadly knife-hand strike aimed at his throat.

“Easy there, little one.”

The wild look in her eyes cleared as his deep voice washed over her. She blinked.

“Brock?” She stopped struggling to release her wrist from his hold. “What the devil are you doing here? You don’t creep up on a woman taking a bubble bath, you cretin. I could’ve killed you!”

“Not likely, but I’ll remember your warning in the future.”

Brock had a difficult time keeping his eyes from roaming lower. The temptation to visually explore the gorgeous, naked curves so enticingly on display from the way she crouched on top of him was more than he could resist.