Jordan Sutton had finally found the man she felt the need to offer her heart— unconditionally.

Chapter Fifteen

Luca Boneiro’s home on Broadway Street, Pacific Heights in San Francisco…

“Does this mean you’re here to take me up on my offer?” Luca said as he opened the door to find Jared and Brock standing on the doorstep.

“We are considering it.” Jared watched him impassively.

“Ah, I see. Dependent on certain quid pro quo conditions I suppose?” He waved them inside and closed the door behind them before he led the way into the dining room where he had been having breakfast when the doorbell rang.

“Coffee?” He didn’t wait for a response as he filled two mugs and handed it over. “Help yourself to sugar and cream. You won’t mind if I finish my breakfast?” He continued eating, ignoring them as they sat down opposite each other, effectively flanking him on either side. Jared might be his brother but he was under no misconception that it meant he trusted him.

“Well, I’m listening.” He pushed the plate back and lazily stretched his legs.

“You sure you’re done?” Brock said sarcastically at the show of disdain. He still believed they should have him locked up and throw away the key but he trusted Jared’s instincts. It didn’t mean he wouldn’t keep a close eye on Luca to ensure he wasn’t aiming to sideline them.

“Actually,we’relistening,” Jared’s voice reflected his grim expression. “You proposed you’ll give us your father—”

“Our father.”

Jared’s lips clenched in rising anger. He chose not to react to the obvious quip and continued, “As well as anyone who is involved with him and his schemes, including Ali Mohammed Fadhil and Abu Mohammed al-Hashisi al-Lurayshi.”

“Let me correct you there, brother. I can’tgivethem to you. I have my own reputation and life to consider. What I will do is offer you the opportunity to capture them with enough evidence to put them away indefinitely.”

“Ah, yes,” Brock rasped. “I forgot your condition. What was it again? Of course, we have to forget you exist, right?”

Luca turned his dark eyes to glare at Brock. “It’s not up for debate, Carter. It’s a take it or leave it offer.”

“Wonderful. That means we can throw your ass in jail now and concentrate on more important matters,” he shot back with an acerbic retort.

“We’re law-abiding officials, Luca, which means I can’t look the other way— not even for you. You’ve been linked to criminal enterprises and assassinations over the years. Given enough time, we’ll find a way to prove you were behind the pedophile sex ring,” Jared interjected.

Luca laughed. “Good luck with that, brother.” He turned serious. “You don’t know me as well as you think. Do you honestly think I have escaped incarceration my entire adult life because I’m negligent?” He grimaced evilly. “I’m surprised your IT guru hasn’t found it yet, but believe me, when he does, you won’t be pursuing the pedophile ring any further and specifically not to lock up the one implicated as the mastermind behind it all.”

“We’re back to playing riddles again,” Brock sneered.

“Very well, Luca. How do you propose to supply us with intel that will stand up in court?”

“How do video recordings of secret meetings with the Five leaders sound, as well as discussions with Fadhil and Abu on the kidnapping of one Jordan Sutton?”

“Do any of those videos directly implicate the three of them in the recent murder of the attorney general and the bombing in Santa Ana?” Brock leaned forward waiting to hear his question affirmed. It would be the closest yet they’d ever come to successfully charging Marco Boneiro. If Marco was behind Jordan’s capture, he wanted a piece of him before they handed him over to the FBI. The bastard would pay for the torture she had endured in the hands of Fadhil. Linking him to the bombing would be even better. He didn’t miss the flicker in Luca’s eyes.

“So, you knew about that,” Jared said dully.

“It had been part of the planned project of The Commission to obtain ultimate power but the time frame ran out. I was surprised when I saw it on the news.”

“Cut the crap, Boneiro. You’re Marco’s right hand man. There is no fucking way he wasn’t aware it was coming down when it did. I don’t believe for a second that he didn’t discuss it with you.” Brock’s fist cracked on the table, rattling the crockery.

“Easy, lover boy. You don’t want to get your blood up.”

Brock frowned at the crooning voice in his ear. He’d forgotten they were wearing microchip listening devices and that Jordan and Cruz were listening in on the conversation that was being recorded. The concern in her voice for him warmed his heart.

“I agree with Brock. You knew they planned on murdering the attorney general and his entire family before bombing a Federal building, thereby destroying a square mile and killing an untold number of innocent bystanders.” Jared started to pace. “You knew a vicious terrorist attack was about to occur and you didn’t think to inform me of it? Your silence doesn’t fill me with confidence that you’re honest about your proposition, Luca. To the contrary, I’m beginning to think you’re playing both sides to hedge your bets.”

“Yeah, and whichever one benefits you the most will determine your choice. What are the odds that the right way, the legal way, is going to come second in this game, Jared?” Brock locked eyes with him, urging him on to look past the familial bond and do the right thing. “They all belong behind bars, my friend. Your brother here included.”

“Heads up, boys. You better get out of there. We got a ping from one of the trackers I planted in a Boneiro vehicle. It just turned into the street and is on the way to your location.”Jordan’s voice pitched higher with worry.