“Leave my mother and sister alone, you motherfucker!”

Fadhil ignored the sneer behind him but his smile widened as he stared at the mother. The terror in her gaze intensified.

“We’ve seen their faces. It doesn’t matter that we don’t know who they are, we can still identify them.”

“Mom?” Veronique clung to her. “What are you saying?”

“Don’t be a dumbass, Vee. They’re gonna fucking kill us,” Brandon Woods sneered and aimed a kick at Abu.

“No!” Linda screamed as a fist crushed his nose flat, splattering his face with blood. The boy slumped unconsciousness against his bonds.

“Now where would the fun be in that, Mrs. Woods? I mean, I’ve been looking forward to listening to your screams since we arrived,” Fadhil mocked her.

The shrill sound of Abu’s cell phone broke the silence that followed his taunt.

“It’s Boneiro. I have to take this.” Abu started back up the stairs. “As much as you enjoy dishing out pain, make this quick, Fadhil. I don’t want Mr. Woods to be on alert should he decide to come home early.”

He ignored Fadhil’s grumbling protest as he answered the call and closed the basement door behind him.

“Mr. Boneiro, is there a problem?” he cut to the chase immediately. He never communicated directly with him and preferred that Fadhil deal with him. That he reached out now was concerning. He had been hesitant to form a coalition with the Mafia Boss since his power struggle in The Commission Group could become problematic.

“I’ve been trying to get hold of Fadhil for an hour. Where are you? You failed to achieve what we aimed for with Jordan Sutton. And contrary to our discussion to keep The Cobras and The Red Reign PI women in Iraq and get rid of them there, I’m now hearing that they’re all back in the States. What the fuck are you up to?”

“I warned you from the outset that there is more on the line than getting rid of your personal obstacles, Mr. Boneiro. They are small fish and I for one will not waste time, effort and money eliminating them, especially if it slows down our timeline.”

“Look here—”

“No, you listen. I agreed to assist you with your quest but only as a means to get a secure entry into the U.S. You say we didn’t achieve what was intended with Miss Sutton but I say it was your plan that failed because it wasn’t well thought out. Don’t put the blame on anyone but yourself, Mr. Boneiro. The question is, are you going to waste time with past failures or are you going to be on board to blaze a new path forward towards a better United States?”

“Run by you, I suppose?”

“I have no desire to move to this modern and immoral country, Mr. Boneiro. You would do well to be in charge for the purpose I have in mind. You need to decide whether you’re part of a better future or stay stuck in the past.”

“Very well, but listen carefully, Abu. Hear me. Don’t keep me out of the loop. I want to know every step of the way what’s happening. Do you understand?”

“You need to understand that I don’t need your permission to do shit. I warned you that nothing will stand in our way to achieve what is necessary to get what I want. We are in the process with step one of our plans, which we discussed with you in detail.”

“The assassination of the attorney general and the bombing of the Capitol building? Fucking hell, Abu! I thought that wasn’t planned for months to come. I told you I hate surprises and don’t react well to being on the receiving end of them.”

“Time is of the essence, Mr. Boneiro and you are wasting mine,” Abu sneered. He was becoming irritated with Boneiro who believed he had any power over him or the timeframe of the plans they’d discussed to get control over the U.S. government.

“Do not, for one minute, underestimate my power or believe that I’m afraid of you and your Islamic group. I amverycapable of taking the necessary steps to ensure that I’m not left behind in the dark. You’d do well not to make an enemy of me. Best you remember that.”

“Fucking idiot,” Abu sneered as he summarily ended the call before dropping the phone in his pocket. He was caught between two men driven by an enormous appetite for greed and power. One desired fame and acknowledgement for his skills as a feared terrorist and the other, a global conquest and domination of everything criminal.

“As long as they do what I want, they’ll serve a purpose but if they stand in the way of my success… their heads will roll.”

By the time he walked into the bunker thirty minutes later, the boy was lying in a pool of blood, his eyes staring lifelessly at the ceiling. The angle of his head indicated that his neck had been brutally snapped.

The young girl was left spreadeagle on the bed, bleeding profusely from having been violently raped and strangled to death.

“Ugh, yess,” Fadhil grunted as he ejaculated while furiously pumping his cock in and out of Linda Woods. She had stopped begging, screaming, and fighting when she’d watched her daughter take her final breath. She knew she was next and that he had deliberately left her for last, to stretch out her torture by forcing her to watch him kill her precious children. What he did to her meant nothing. It didn’t hurt, she didn’t feel anything… she had already died inside.

Fadhil straightened with a cackling laugh as he slapped her across the face. “You’re dead weight, bitch. Luckily for you, your tight little virgin daughter offered the proper foreplay.”

“About done?”

He turned. “Ah, you’re back. Want to have a go?”