“I guess he has the ability to surprise me after all.”

A smile brightened her face as she finished packing. Having been left hanging when he hadn’t formalized in words the exclusive union of a Dom/sub relationship, the flash of pleasure on his face upon her agreement turned disappointment into elation. “Who knew it would make me feel all tingly and fluffy inside?”

Maybe the years of fighting hadn’t turned her into a complete hard ass after all. She could still experience the pleasure of being wanted and cared for even though she didn’t need anyone to—

“But I do,” she murmured. “I want his care more than anything. To know there’s a man looking out for me, protecting me because he wants to, not because it’s his duty… lord, it makes me feel wanted and needed for the first time in my life.” She frowned as she recalled her stringent fight for the exact opposite. “Well, as long as there’s a balance between being a protective and caring Dom versus smothering me to keep me safe.”

A heady feeling washed over her. One she intended to savor.

Chapter Six

Two days later; The Red Reign PI Office at Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California ...

“Anything?” Paxton joined Jordan in the computer room, which had recently been updated to include an array of supercomputers with Linux-based operating systems— essential for cryptanalysis. It was Jordan’s domain, the one place where she always felt in control, where she thrived on the challenges cyberspace had to offer.

“No, and it’s frustrating as hell that I can’t find a trace of the bastards— or of Marco Boneiro.”

“How confident are you that he’s even involved with Fadhil and Abu? I mean, I understand why Jared and Brock believe he is but to form a coalition with terrorists and ISIS… I find it far-fetched even for him. What are your thoughts?”

“Enemies come in many forms, which is why I specialized in counter terrorism. That’s the enemy, Paxton; terrorism— premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents.” She glanced sideways at Paxton. “That means it’s not limited to only those referred to as terrorists per se. Any crime syndicate and Mafia group that targets the safety of our country and its people qualify. Marco Boneiro proved that he has one goal—”

“To obtain a power base beyond the normal confines of a Mafia Boss,” Paxton said.

“Bingo. He’s after so much more and it’s evident that he has political connections that’re paving the way ahead.” She took a sip of coffee. “My gut tells me that Jared and Brock are right. My mind however… well, that’s another matter. You know me. I need time to find evidence to support their theory.”

“Time is the one thing we don’t have, Jordan. If those three groups have formed a coalition, we have to stop them before it’s too late to put an end to whatever evil they have in store for the country. I shudder just remembering what you said about ISIS and an apocalypse.”

“It’s not new, my friend. It’s been their commitment for as long as they’ve existed. The only thing that eases my mind that now isn’t the time for them to act is Ali Mohammed Fadhil.”

“How so?”

“Fadhil loves power as much as Boneiro. I believe the years in forced hiding took its toll on his ego. His psychopathy so dominates his persona that it was shamelessly on display during my interrogation. He yearns to be back in the limelight, to spread his brand of religious extremism. Like most religious fundamentalists, he’s a total nutter.” She stretched lazily. “Believe me, he’s not ready to put an end to the world just yet. At least not before he’s made his mark, except…”

“Except what?”

“The bombing of the Khobar Towers had a far reaching impact at the time. He was the most sought after terrorist and still is even after all these years. It was a huge boost to his ego. This time, he’s planning an encore far beyond anything we’ve ever seen. One that could effectively damage the foundations of our democratic institutions. Once doubt is sown into the collective psyche of the American people, it’s just a matter of time for our republic to turn hard right. History is littered with the corpses of tyrants and their sycophantic enablers.”

“But coming to our soil to do it is suicide, isn’t it? He had the ability to disappear years ago since he was on his own home turf. It won’t be as easy here.”

“Which is why he possibly formed the coalition with the Mafia and ISIS. It would be easy to hide behind them. He’s clever, Paxton. If I’m right, he already has everything planned out in minute detail. Mark my words, he’s bent on creating havoc. And then with the FBI, CIA, and NSC on full tilt to capture Abu Mohammed and Boneiro, he’ll vanish again— having set them up to take the fall.”

“We can’t allow that to happen.”

“No, we can’t, but there’s not much we can do if we don’t have real time actionable intel on his movements... and I’m talking about a thirty-minute window.”

“Don’t forget we’re only gathering intel, Jordan. We got out of the military for a reason. Yes,” she raised her hand to stop Jordan’s protest, “I know and appreciate your reason why you agreed to assist the FBI but we all agreed it was only a ruse to get all of us captured or even killed. This is screaming danger… for all of us. Is that really what you want?”

“You know it’s not and believe me, I regret believing that bastard FBI agent, Darius Muller, and ended up tortured again. That was the last time, Paxton. I don’t ever want to be in such a situation again but let’s be honest, now that we know the danger Boneiro, Fadhil and Abu potentially hold for our country… we can’t just walk away from it.”

“You know it’s not in our nature as veterans but the reality is, it’s a National Security threat and should be handled by the right authorities.”

“Yeah… I guess you’re right.”

Paxton smiled at the rueful expression on Jordan’s face. She was in her element scratching around in cyberspace for intel to get to the bottom of the problem. Handing everything over to the FBI would take a lot of convincing.

“Jared is going to speak to the FBI Director of Counterintelligence this morning but that doesn’t mean we can’t continue to offer our assistance. Why don’t you rope in Cruz and Tanner to help figure it out?” Paxton laughed at the grimace staining her beautiful face. “I know you prefer to work alone but from what you, Jared and Brock have been saying, time is of the utmost importance. I’m sure they’ve been at it as well, so… use them, Jordan. They’re not such a bad lot.”

“Some more than others,” she lamented.