“There you go again. Making assumptions about a relationship between us.” She pointed from him to her, ending with a finger jabbing up the stairs. “Don’t confuse my lust for sex yesterday with a desire to— hey! What the devil do you think you’re doing?”

“I believe it’s time we settled this once and for all.” He said in a colloquial tone as he pinned her arms to her sides and picked her up.

“Brock fucking Carter! Put. Me. Down!”

“Behave!” he snapped as he clamped one huge paw around her legs to prevent her from snapping his femur in two.

“I’ll kick your ass, you shithead. You have no right to manhandle me like this.”

“I don’t?” He sat down on the sofa and regarded her with raised eyebrows as he kept her locked up with an unbreakable hold. “I’ve allowed you to dance this tango of attack and retreat for too long, my pet. It’s time to settle the score. You, Jordan Sutton, are about to concede your need to be my sub.”

“I’ll concede shit! I’m warning you… freaking hell and damnation,” she muttered as he easily flipped her onto her stomach over his knees. Jordan was inundated with shudders of desire that wracked her body at what he intended. She had always been a sucker for a good old spanking and since her libido had been in overdrive since last night, she was likely to combust with the second strike. Fighting him had nothing to do with defiance, rather with an ingrained habit of always being in charge over a scene.

“You’re like a goddamned Jack-in-the-box,” he muttered as he pinned her in place with one hand against her lower back while he hooked one muscled leg over her flailing limbs. He pushed her forward until her ass stuck upward enticingly. “Oww! Jesus, you’re asking for it, aren’t you?” he growled as she clamped her teeth into the softness of his calf, bare under a pair of cargo shorts he wore. He wrapped a hand around the back of her neck and squeezed. “Let go.”

The power in his grip was enough to stay her desire to keep gnawing on his skin. She relaxed her jaw.

“Don’t you fucking dare spank— OOOWWW!” she screamed as two brutal swats landed in quick succession on her behind.

“That’s for cursing at me.”

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

“And that’s for biting me.”

“Nooo, fucking hell, Brock, that hurts,” she cried as she tried to wriggle off his lap. She loved an erotic spanking but this was pure punishment, plain and simple.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

“That’s for continuing to fight the inevitable.” He rubbed his palm in large circles over her buttocks, forcing the sting deeper into her muscles. “It’s up to you whether I continue walloping you in punishment or give you the kind of spanking you crave.” He squeezed her soft cheeks, smiling as she hissed in pain. “Who knows, I might even allow you to climax.”

“Well, hell, Carter, you should’ve led with that,” she lilted and stopped fighting him. A climax sounded very good about now, especially since the scorching pain from the strikes had filtered through bone and muscle to settle in a demanding throb in her nether regions. Her clit sizzled with the need to come.

“To achieve the proper result, I have a notion to strip these shorts—”

“NO! Are you crazy? You said yourself everyone will be back soon. I refuse to have my tush on display just because you have a bug up your ass!”

“Still disrespectful, I see. Very well, punishment it is then.”

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

“Ooowww! Damn you... no!’ she screamed as he amped up the strength behind each strike.“Damn it, Brock! Stop!”

She knew she was caterwauling but the spanking had become brutal and tears pressed past her eyelids to drop on the floor.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

“OWW! Stop! Please!”

The first couple of strikes hadn’t been as painful as this. In fact, she’d wanted it, needed it, and reveled in the promise of what was to come.

Trust him to turn the tables on me! The asshole knows I’m after a climax!

This was worse. It raged through her like a flash fire burning white hot from her ass to her brain in one scorching complaint.

“Alright! Alright! I’m sorry for being so cranky and disrespectful. Now stop!”

“You should know better than that, little one. Stop isn’t a word a Dom responds to.”