The melodic timber of Paxton’s laugh resonated deep inside him. He loved watching her mirth. It wasn’t just the throaty sound. Her expression, the way her face lit up, and the way her eyes filled with joy, was like a hug to his soul, like she’d kept it within her just for him. To allow him a peek into the emotions that made her the woman she was.

“Unfortunately, you’re hooking up with a health nut, Commander Bates. No cheesecake for breakfast, I’m afraid. Come, I’m not cooking alone. You want breakfast, you’re gonna help prepare it.”

Jared wasn’t much of a cook but it was an invitation he had no intention of saying no to.

Paxton watched Jared jogging away in the direction of Bastian Conti’s house. She agreed that the best way to crack open the case was to use Mia Kunz but she didn’t like him setting himself up as a potential target. The combination of danger presented itself in the merging of the mafia and one of the cruelest drug lords in the States. If he was caught... she didn’t want to think about what could happen. She walked to the operations room as soon as he disappeared.

“Hi boss,” Kezlin said as soon as they appeared on the screen. “Still enjoying the view?”

“It’s gorgeous here.” She leaned forward. “Are you ladies alone?”

“Not if you count the team hovering all over the offices and the irritating Brock Carter following us around like a bloodhound,” Jordan said with a chill in her voice. Her hand flailed in the air. “But for the moment, we’re alone in here, yes.”

“Good. I overheard a discussion between Cruz and Jared this morning.”

“Damn, the asshole stole my thunder,” Jordan complained.

“So, you know Boneiro is involved in the scheme and that Conti is family of Lopez.”

“Yep, Jordan filled us in,” Knox said.

“Good. I need you to find out when the next party is.”

“Already working on it,” Knox said. “What’s the plan?”

“The fact that Lopez did a background check on Jared means they’re definitely going to push him to join their depraved ring of sex parties. We’re going to be his backup.”

“Not to shun the opportunity for some action fieldwork, Paxton, but do you think that’s wise?” Jordan stared at her. “The Cobras are a black ops group. There’s no way Jared’s team will let him go in there without backup.”

“I don’t care. We’re going.”

“Hold on.” Kezlin leaned forward as she studied Paxton on the screen. “What exactly is going on here? You and Jared have been at loggerheads from day one. Where does the sudden desire to protect him come from?”

Paxton sighed. “I might as well tell you since you’ll soon find out anyway.” She hesitated briefly as she looked between the women. “Jared and I have decided to get involved.”

“Holy shit!” Kezlin jumped up. “You and my brother? How the hell did that happen?” She stabbed a finger in Paxton’s direction. “He seduced you, didn’t he? I’m gonna cut off his nuts.”

“Calm down, Kezlin. Your brother didn’t have to do any seducing. I might have been fighting the attraction in the beginning but decided I’m too old to play hard-to-get. He’s the kind of man and Dom I’ve been searching for. I believe we stand a chance of building a future together.”

“Well, since you put it that way.” Kezlin smiled broadly. “I couldn’t be happier. Just think, my sister-in-law will be my boss.”

“Whoa there, Kezlin. Marriage isn’t on the table.” Paxton frowned, realizing that the prospect of having him as a husband didn’t fill her with dread. Perhaps because when she thought of a future with him, it encapsulated the whole package. Love, marriage, and a happy-ever-after life.

“Hmm... methinks the lady doth protest too much,” Jordan lilted. “I suppose congratulations are in order but let me offer a word of caution, Paxton. Commander Bates isn’t going to be happy with you endangering yourself to keep him safe.”

“I’m with Jordan on this. Jared will be insulted that you have such little faith in his abilities to set up a successful raid on the Malibu sex house.” Kezlin sat back down. “Seriously, Paxton, you should rethink your strategy.”

Paxton considered their advice. She’d come to know him well enough to know they were right but protecting those she cared for was second nature.

“I’ll give it some thought. In the meantime, I’m going to send you a text, Knox. I want you to order a special watch for Jared.”

Knox straightened. “You’re gonna give him a gift with a tracker? Shit, you’ve fallen hard, Paxton.”

“A word of caution, Paxton. Jared is gonna be pissed if he finds out you’ve put a tracker on him. He’s not a weakling. Quite the opposite. He can take care of himself.”

“I’m well aware of that, Kezlin.” She looked among the three women. “But that’s not what I want Knox to do. I just want a specific watch as a gift... something special to... well, you know...”

“Right,” their voices echoed in a choir.