“Fffuccck!” Her desperate wail echoed in the confines of the Hummer as she swooned from a climax that left her clutching at his thigh.

“Do you have any idea how hot it is watching you lose yourself like that, my pet?” Jared’s voice was raw with lust as he battled to concentrate on the road rather than watching her arch and twitch next to him. He thumbed up the speed when her body relaxed.


Jared reveled in the control of being a dominant. It wasn’t only the variety of sex, which in itself was about more than finding a physical and emotional release. It was a mechanism to establish power through control and manipulation of the sub's body and mind. That in itself was a profound elevation of seduction. For a Dom it was a delicate combination of power and seduction. The delineation between the two was so fine, it was nearly seamless.

Her nails dug into his thigh as he kept alternating the setting of the vibrators, forcing multiple climaxes to ripple through her. Her hoarse cries washed over him in tumultuous waves of ecstasy, drowning him in the way she embraced the unbridled lust he kept feeding.

He switched off the vibrator as he turned into The Sea Ranch, to allow her time to calm down. She was trembling and weak when he picked her up and carried her to his bedroom.

“There now, love. You did so well,” he purred as he undressed her with care and pushed her back against the pillows. “Relax, little one. I’ll take care of you.”

Her breathing was still laborious as she watched him disappear into the bathroom.

“Oh lord, that feels good,” she purred as he returned with a warm cloth, running it all over her body.

“Don’t move. I’m going to get some water. I don’t want you to dehydrate.”

“I think it might be a little late,” she laughed. “I never knew I could climax so hard or nonstop.” She stared after him as he left.

Paxton was still overwhelmed by the eagerness she felt starting on this new journey. She hardly knew him;abouthim even less, yet she couldn’t dampen the excitement that shuddered through her hungry heart.

Jared had unlocked her need to be loved. It was a key that opened a book of old beliefs. Since they’d left San Francisco he’d shown her another side. He was compassionate, caring, and loving with an engaging, wolfish smile that made her toes curl. She had no resistance against him.

Since Rex’s death, she’d blithely refused to surrender her heart to the men she’d dated. Jared caused those old emotions inside her heart to waver. She had loved deeply. She hadn’t thought it possible to find love like that again.

She acknowledged that something more physiologically profound wove them together than just the surge of natural opiates dumped into her bloodstream.

“That’s why I’m gravitating toward him. Sexual chemistry... it’s created an inexplicable bond between us.”

She listened to the husky notes of her voice as she snuggled into the pillow.

Without her realizing, Jared had captured her spirit— in a very short time span. With that, he’d disabused her beliefs about the rules and regulations she had steadfastly followed since she’d started dating again five years ago.

“It’s time to let go. Concentrate on the here and now, Paxton.”

She sighed in acceptance. She didn’t need to hold back anymore. They were on the same page. He wanted the same things she did. What was important now was the intensity of the feelings that he awakened in her.

Her eyes fluttered closed. By the time Jared returned, she was fast asleep.

He smiled as he brushed back her hair.

“Sleep, love. The multiple climaxes clearly took its toll on you.”

Chapter Thirteen

Jared took a sip of the hot latte as he opened the sliding doors of the communications room. His gaze drifted to the sun blooming on the horizon; golden petals stretching outwards into the rich blue of the ocean. The sound of the waves was a drumbeat that echoed his heart, the breeze reducing the tension from his mind. A flight of seagulls arced above, masters of the salty updrafts. Sunrise was his favorite time of day; a time when he could relax and reflect.

The buzz of a Skype call interrupted his appreciation of nature. He sat down behind his desk and hit the button to accept the call.

“We got a hit on your assumed identities, Commander,” Cruz said the moment they connected.

“You know the sun has barely peered over the horizon, right, Cruz?”

“I also know you’re already on your second cup of java, so what’s the problem?”

Jared conceded with a smirk. “Let me guess. Olivia Lopez?”