“Owww... fucking hell!” she screamed as he continued to wallop her ass, each strike a little harder than the precious one. There was no hesitation, no break in the rhythm.

“Stilettos!” she finally managed to gasp so softly that she wondered how he heard her.

“Good girl,” he said as he soothed her inflamed skin with tender brushes of his palm.

Paxton found herself basking in the praise, which was surprising, since her mind was filled with the after effect of the searing pain scorching her behind.

He helped her to straighten.

“Gaawd, that hurts,” she moaned as her buttocks met the harshness of his jeans.

“Perfect reminder throughout our meal never to defy me, little one, and to remember, when I give you an instruction not toforgetto follow it.” He smiled as he traced his fingers over her cheeks. “No tears... not that I’m surprised. You’re a strong woman.”

“That doesn’t mean my ass isn’t on fire and I could very easily burst into tears at a moment’s notice,” she said in a surly tone.

“Up you get. My instruction of no panties was given for a specific reason.” He pushed her off his lap but kept her standing between his legs with his hands on her hips. He wriggled his eyebrows. Paxton didn’t trust the devilish glint in his eyes. “I have a gift for you.” He pushed up the flowing hem of the long maxi dress. “Hold onto that, my pet.”

“What are you doing?”

“I told you, I have something for you and I need access to your pussy. Spread your legs, little one.”

“Jared, what?”

His eyes caught hers. She simmered at his obvious enjoyment at her predicament.

“I told you that I’m going to test your level of submission tonight, Paxton.”

“While at the restaurant?”

“I can’t think of a better place.”

Paxton realized it would be a waste of time to debate the issue with him but she had to try.

“In a public place?”

“Best place to work on a sub’s submission. Spread your legs... now.”

Paxton steadied herself with her hands on his shoulders as she shuffled her feet apart. He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out... she frowned. A pair of black panties.

“Those are boy-style panties. I have to say, Sir, mine goes much better with my dress”

He chuckled as he patted his fingers against her labia before teasing her opening with an errant finger. She bit her lips as shards of heat pierced through her core when he flicked his thumb over her clit.

“Hmm, just look at that. Already so hot and wet. It seems you liked your punishment a little too much, my pet.”

“That’s a matter of opinion, Sir. I assure you; I don’t appreciate having to sit on my sore ass throughout dinner.”

“I don’t suppose you do but then, I’ll enjoy every flash of pain over your face when you shift in your chair.”

“Of course you would.”

Her fingers dug into his shoulders as he teasingly swirled his finger deep inside her.

“I thought you were in a hurry... mmm, our reservation, remember?”

“Indeed,” he chuckled.

She sighed in relief but felt empty when he withdrew his fingers.