“Well... now that’s an intriguing prospect.”

Chapter Ten

“If I had property on this place, I would permanently live here. It’s so tranquil.” Paxton briefly closed her eyes and breathed in the salt air as they walked along a bluff in the direction of Bastian’s house.

Jared gazed out over the turquoise ocean. It floated in the void free of gravity. He loved the sea, respected its power. He understood its beauty and its dangers. From when he was little, he’d been fascinated by the eternal crash and hiss of waves upon a rocky shore; their curling fingers brushing each stone with a gentle caress of an inbound tide. He watched as the sun shined off the rippling water, its golden light warped in the twisted, glass-like flags. No description could truly capture its mysterious majesty, yet only a few words expressed its beauty.

The ocean had been his savior once, many years ago.

“One day I’ll move here permanently.”

Paxton glanced at him. “Let me guess... after Marco Boneiro is behind bars.”

Jared smiled. “You’re starting to know me well.”

“I’m a quick study, Commander Bates.”

“I suppose it’s time to slip into our roles as a loving married couple,” he said as his fingers folded around her hand in a warm clasp.

“Do modern couples still hold hands?” She was doing her best to keep her poise. The last thing she’d expected when he took her hand was the spark of electricity that caused a shudder to race throughout her body.

“I’m old school. I’ll hold the hand of the woman I love until my dying breath.”

She laughed but swallowed her mirth as she realized he was serious. “That sounds a little cheesy, even for you, Bates.”

“I guess I’m old-fashioned insofar as romance is concerned.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

He looked at her. “Why is that?”

“Come on, Jared.” She flicked her finger up and down to indicate his body. “Look at you. You have the kind of body women drool over and you’re not too bad to look at either. I bet you have women lining up to go down on you.”

“Can’t say I noticed.” His expression turned broody.

“Hmm... workaholic, I suppose. No time for relaxation and playing hide the salami with a willing sexual partner.”

“I have sex quite often, Miss Nosy, but I limit it to the BDSM club I belong to.”

“In other words, you have no interest in a lasting, loving relationship with a woman outside of the club?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“What happened to your wife? I mean, you mentioned twins but not... I’m sorry. I shouldn’t pry.”

“You do jump from one extreme to the other, don’t you?”

“What’d you expect? You weren’t exactly forthcoming with your personal life on the flight over.” She inched her chin higher as she returned his direct stare. “Besides, you made it blatantly clear that you and I are going to have a relationship so I believe it’s my right to ask you as many questions as needed to get clarity on just who and what you are.”

“A Dom/sub relationship requires that you trust your Dom to know what it is your body needs as well as caring for you and protecting you. It doesn’t mean I’m going to spill my guts for you.”

Paxton laughed. “Talk about extremes.” She stopped and stared at him. “A relationship, Jared. That’s what I’m interested in. Yes, I concede it will have an element of BDSM but I want the whole enchilada. Falling in love and holding hands until our dying breath— to use your words. I’m not interested in a half-assed, one dimensional Dom/sub agreement. That kind of life is not in my DNA. Take it or leave it, Jared, but it’s not negotiable.”

She pulled her hand free and started walking again. She hissed as his hot breath suddenly teased her neck. His hard arm encircled her waist as she stumbled. A shiver raced up her spine as he ran his fingers through her hair while his lips found all the sensitive spots on her silky skin. Every passionate touch was a promise of wicked delight. With a gentle hand around her throat, he pulled her against his warm body.

“You have my answer, Mrs. Lee.” The next moment he was gone. She spun around to watch him pick up the picnic basket he’d dropped. Their eyes met. “I hope you’re ready for me, Paxton. Believe me when I say the road ahead is going to be bumpy.”

“I expect it to be.” Her voice was soft, entreating and filled with wonder. He chuckled at the confusion he read in her eyes.