“Trying to manipulate me isn’t going to work.” He cut the engine.

Paxton looked around, surprised to see they had reached their destination.

“But I trust you, which is why I will tell you this... purely so you realize just how dangerous Boneiro is. He has an agenda that none of his peers in The Commission are aware of. It’s a case of National Security. I need you to promise me that you will not talk about this... not to anyone.”

“It sounds serious,” She studied him intently. “I won’t divulge anything you tell me, Jared. My word is my honor.”

“The Cobras are more than a black ops group. We’re also an extra judicial subgroup in the NSA.”

Paxton blinked. “So, that’s why you can act outside of the rule of law.”

“Yes, but we strive not to. It’s only under the most extreme circumstances that we... how shall I say . . . operate outside the legal limitations of the law.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Go on.”

“Six months ago the NSA received a dossier from the FBI. It was handed to them by MI6.”

“MI6? What British dossier could possibly impact the U.S.?”

“The Italian Ambassador to the U.S., Alberto Casanuevo, handed it to a MI6 agent during a visit to London. It contained information he couldn’t personally hand over to the FBI without serious repercussions to his standing in the Italian community if he leaked it, but MI6 could.”

“I see,” Paxton mused. “I suppose the dossier had something to incriminate Boneiro.”

“It’s a detailed assassination plan on the United States President.”

“What? Then why is he still walking around free?”

“Because there is nothing concrete to link him to it directly. The President, his family and his cabinet are under 24/7 protection not only by the Secret Service but also by elite Special Op teams from Quantico’s Hostage Rescue Team. We can’t afford having Boneiro getting wind of our knowledge of his plan.”

“What could he possibly achieve by killing President Anderson?”

“He might be trying to reenact the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Conspiracy theories claimed that the mafia was involved because of the enmity created when JFK and his brother Robert campaigned to end the influence the mob had on the Teamsters labor union.”

“What reason does Boneiro have?”

“President Anderson is heading up a campaign to put a stop to tax evasion through the gambling sector which is predominantly run by mobsters— particularly in the Los Angeles region. As many as eighty-five percent of casinos are owned and run by the Mafia. It’s their main source of money laundering and tax evasion.”

“Wouldn’t an assassination then implicate the Mafia?”

“Remember what I said earlier about them outsourcing work. Boneiro is too clever by half to be directly involved. He’ll have an airtight alibi.”

“Which is why you’re on his back 24/7?”

“Yeah, but he’s as slippery as an eel, which is why we lost him when he disappeared a couple of weeks ago. For years, we’ve been grooming an original old-world player to infiltrate his mob in the guise of a consigliere. This guy’s a who’s who in the mob. He wanted out and this was the only exit for him.”

“I don’t suppose it’s easy to infiltrate their ranks.”

“It’s not.” Jared opened the door. “Let’s get inside. I phoned ahead, so I imagine my housekeeper would’ve had time to dust, vacuum and stock us up with some groceries.”

“It’s a beautiful house,” Paxton turned in a circle as they stepped inside the house minutes later. “The view is spectacular.”

“That’s the beauty of Sea Ranch. The house was designed to have ocean views from almost every room.”

Paxton drifted from room to room, appreciating the open, dramatic interiors with vaulted ceilings, Italian tile fireplaces, and expansive, two-story windows that enhanced the ocean views in every direction. She was in awe of the large kitchen with a center island, double oven, two cast iron sinks and Italian marble countertops. She could envision herself in the romantic master bedroom and ensuite bath with its glass ceiling, spa tub, and separate shower. Not to mention imagining an intimate scene with the owner of the house in front of the cozy fireplace during winter.

“This is what a family home should be like,” she said as she returned downstairs to join Jared on the patio.

“It’s where I come to get away. Here, I can relax and immerse myself in nature. It has that much of an effect on me.” He smiled sardonically. “Don’t be surprised if you meet a totally different man in the morning.”