Page 8 of Stiletto Sins

“No, I’m just going to sleep.”

Biting my lip, I felt like I was letting him down and that I should say something, but for once, words were failing me.

“Okay, well, um, thanks again.” I picked up my bag and walked into the bathroom, leaning against the door as it closed. I didn’t really need anything in here, but it felt like the safest space for the time being. Stripping off all my clothes, I took a long shower, hoping it would provide enough time for him to fall asleep and allow me to continue to avoid the conversation I needed to have.

“Yeah, because that keeps working out for you,” I berated, hissing at myself under the water.

Sucking it up, I got out, brushed my hair and teeth, and applied the world’s most generous amount of lotion one could ever use.

“You’re just stalling. And talking to yourself. You’re losing it, Fin.”

Rolling my eyes, I threw everything into my bag and braced myself. When I stepped out into the room, one lamp was on, cascading the room into shadows. Quietly, I tiptoed over to the bed and crawled under the covers, lying on the pillow.

It took a while, but eventually, I quieted my mind enough that I could fall asleep. It felt like only a few seconds later when a hand brushed the hair out of my face as a body hovered over me. I knew it was Milo. He was the only person I knew who smelled like rainfall and a campfire. His scent surrounded me, and I fought everything in me not to open my eyes and give in to the yearning I knew I’d find staring at me.

As I kept my breathing even, he bent down and kissed my forehead softly. “Be safe, darling.” His fingers trailed over my cheek, and I urged my body not to give in to the shudder it wanted to do. When the door clicked shut a few seconds later, I braved it and opened my eyes, finding the room empty, the sun starting to rise.

The absolute silence weighed on me, and once again, I wondered if I was doing the right thing. An overwhelming sense of fear, dread, and loneliness filled me, and I replayed the last few seconds with Milo in my head. I could no longer stop the tears from falling. The night everything changed no longer wished to be buried and it rose up, reminding me how stupid I was.


Oblivion:Do we all know our parts?

Blackhawk:Yes, little hacker, we’ve been over it a few times. We’re good. We got this, babe.

Whenever he called me that, my pulse raced, and I wished I could hear him saying it. Tonight would be the first time we met in person, and I was excited about putting a face to the name, to the boy I’d been crushing on for a year.

Obsidian: After tonight, we’ll be full members of MKG. Assuming we don’t fuck up. I know I won’t, so it’s on you two.

Oblivion: Don’t get your panties in a knot, Sid. We got this. I can hack circles around this system, and you know there hasn’t been a lock I haven’t been able to get through. We’ve been building up to this for a year. Trust your team.

Blackhawk:The only one who wears panties is you, Oblivion. Just to be sure, we should show each other.

Obsidian:Stop being a perv. You’re right. We’re the best.

Oblivion:Sure, you go first.

Obsidian: Don’t let him devalue you. You’re too good for that, Oblivion. He’s just a pretty boy who happens to be good at coding.

Blackhawk: Ah, thanks for the compliment, Sid. I wish I could say the same for your face.

Obsidian:Bite me.

Blackhawk: Oh, fiesty. Now, go and review your program. It’s important.

Obsidian:You’re not the boss. If anyone is, it’s me. I’m the oldest and have the most experience. You just want to flirt.

Blackhawk:Whatever you need to believe.

Oblivion:You two are cattier than the girls at school.

Obsidian:You should let me show them not to mess with geeks. I’d make them wish they never met you.

Oblivion:Maybe next week. I just want to focus on the mission.

Blackhawk:And they say romance is dead. Now, who’s flirty?

Obsidian: Whatever. I gotta go. See you both in a few hours.