Page 61 of Stiletto Sins

“Ah, Cohen, that’s no way to greet yoursuperior.” Cohen’s face paled, and Milo looked between the two of us before stepping back and letting me in.

Just as the door closed, the other two walked out of a bedroom with a basket of dirty clothes. “Who was at the door?” Finley asked before stopping and looked up to meet my eyes.

Smirk in place, I waited for her to rush toward me, showing all these guys the bond we had. She dropped the basket, running for me, and I felt like I’d been waiting my whole life for this moment. I opened my arms and waited for her to sweep into them and give me the kiss I’d been dreaming of for five years. When a pain seared me, I blinked, not understanding.

Bending over, I blinked more, looking at my little hacker as tears trailed down my face. Her face was red, and she was breathing hard as she seared me with hatred. I looked up to make sure I’d come to the right place. Asa and Milo looked on in shock, slightly cringing in discomfort. Cohen had a mix of disbelief, fear, and satisfaction at my plight as he stared down at me.

“What the hell, Finley?”

She moved closer, her hands on her hips as she stared me down. “Don’t what the hell me! What are you doing here?”

Cohen moved closer, pulling her further away from me. “Sweetheart, not that I don’t appreciate the gesture. But is there a reason why you kicked mysuperior?” he ground out, the word sounding sour to my ears, breaking something in me.

“Your superior?” she asked, shaking her head in disbelief. “No, this is Blackhawk.”

At the name, the guys stopped, their faces changing to ones of rage. Backing up, I lifted one hand, still cupping my balls with the other as they throbbed in pain.

“Wait a minute. I think there’s a misunderstanding. Yes, I’m Blackhawk, but I’m not the bad guy here.”

“That’s rich coming from you,” Cohen seethed, no longer caring that I was his boss.

“Stop. I think we need to take a minute and talk about things. We’re clearly all missing some information.”

Finley shook her head, hurt and rage on her face that made me stop, wondering what I’d done to make her look that way.

“I don’t understand. Finley, I thought we were playing a game. I didn’t mean for you to get hurt. That’s why I called you here. The MKG has grown too big, and we need to stop them.”

“MidKnight Guild? They’re still out there?” She shook her head, clearing her thoughts. “The only person I have a vendetta against is you. You’re the one who ruined my life, and I want my revenge.”

I stared, not understanding. But before I could explain, the door to the room opened as three operatives swarmed the space, raising guns at the four of them.

“Halt. Come no closer. Sir, are you okay?” the leader asked.

“Yes, I’m fine. It’s a misunderstanding. They’re not a threat.”

At my directive, they lowered their weapons but didn’t exit yet, still waiting for my command as they assessed the situation.

“Sorry, sir, your vitals increased, and we could tell you were in pain. We thought you were under threat. Shall we leave?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Nothing an ice pack won’t cure.” The three guards nodded, taking their leave.

“Why did they come to your rescue?” Cohen asked, looking at me differently than he ever had before.

Sighing, I closed the door, leaning against it. “Because I’m not only your handler but the leader of the Order.”

Cohen’s face paled again as he took in the information. His hand shot out to grab the table, and he slumped down into a chair. The others followed suit, Finley watching me with narrowed eyes. I stayed where I was, predicting the space between us was a good thing for the time being. At least for my balls' sake.

“I think you have some things to explain. First, how about the night you had me arrested?”

She crossed her arms, and I was momentarily distracted by her tits, so when the words sunk in, I stared, sure I’d heard her wrong.

“I’m sorry, what? I haven’t gotten anyone arrested.”

“Yes, you did!” she screamed, some of her fire emerging, and I reflexively covered my balls, afraid of a second attack.

“I promise you, I did no such thing. Can you please share what you’re accusing me of?”

She laughed, the noise appearing off. “Fine. Play it that way. I have nothing to say to you, and if you run this place, I want nothing to do with the Order. This was a mistake.”