Page 49 of Stiletto Sins

“So, why are you telling us now?” Milo asked Cohen, and I realized he hadn’t read the card.

I lifted the card, handing it to him. “Because I’ve been invited to join their ranks.”

Finely Reyes, you’re cordially invited to joinImperium in Imperio.

We’ll trust your judgment on who you share it with. Be selective. This is your first test. You have forty-eight hours to respond.

The Order



The wind whipped around me,tossing my hair in every direction. I reached down to my wrist for the hair tie I kept there but came up empty. Sighing, I returned to staring out at the dark landscape, not really taking in any of the details. There was too much rushing through my mind for me to focus on anything else.

From almost being kidnapped again, the message from Blackhawk, and the invitation to join the Order, I was overloaded.

Knowing there was only one person I wanted to talk to, I pulled out my phone and dialed my best friend.

“Fin! Oh my goodness, it’s so good to hear from you. I’ve missed you so much. I know we just talked the other day, but I was angry then. How are you? How are you doing with Cohen and Asa?” she rushed out in her typical Sawyer way.

Laughing, I wiped a tear that had escaped, already feeling better from just hearing her voice. “Slow down, Sawyer.”

“Oh, no. I know that voice. What happened?”

Sitting down in a chair, I spilled everything to her, not holding any details back this time. I was tired of limiting myself. It was time I let people help me. I sat back, a big breath leaving me when I was done.

“Wow, I didn’t realize how good it would feel to say all that.”

“Girl! It’s about time you did. I can’t believe you’ve been dealing with all of this on your own. I’m glad you finally trusted me enough to share.”

Remorse filled me as I heard the pain in her voice. “No, Sawyer, it wasn’t about trusting you. It was about trusting myself to not have to control everything. Ugh, I think I should start seeing my therapist again. I hadn’t realized how much I’d been carrying around, trying to manage it all on my own. And now, I’m in this mess.”

“Which sounds kind of cool. From what Isla told me, this Order is legit. They don’t ask just anyone. It was their creed that saved me with the Council.”

“Yeah, I forgot about that. That actually makes me feel a little better. But… what about Cohen working for them?”

“So? He never lied, and it wasn’t like he was spying onyou. And it sounds like there were serious consequences if he said anything. You can focus on that, or you can give him the benefit of the doubt. I think he’s earned it.”

“You make it sound so simple.” I sighed, rubbing my head.

“If I learned anything in the past year, the things you want your life to be based around are simple. Grab hold of those you love and follow your heart. You might get hurt, but the journey is usually worth it. Henry and I wouldn’t have another chance at the Olympics if we hadn’t taken the risk.”

“Wait, what?” I shrieked, standing up and almost dropping my phone.

“You didn’t know?” she asked, her voice small, making me realize just how much I was hurting those I loved.

“I’m sorry. I’ve been a shit friend. Tell me all about it.”

Listening to Sawyer tell me about her show and how the rest of our friends and family had shown up to be there made me miss her more. I was happy for her and my brother. But as the sinking feeling of not being accepted started to filter through, I knew I had to finish what I’d come to do. I just needed to go about it differently.

“I miss you so much,” I said, not hiding that I was wiping the tears. “I promise to not run away or keep things from you ever again. Can you forgive me?”

“Of course, Fin. You’re my sister. I love you. And if anyone understands what it means to fight a battle from the past, it’s me. Just remember that it works better with others.” I heard some ruffling and mumbling, and it sounded like Sawyer had placed her hand over the receiver. “Sorry, there’s someone who wants to talk to you,” she huffed before handing the phone over.

“Fin,” Rhett grunted, and I knew I was in trouble.

“Hey…” I cringed even though he couldn’t see me.