Page 36 of Stiletto Sins

Blackhawk: There are some sites where you can have a virtual address and use it to avoid huge shipping fees on things for international. Then once you’ve accumulated a certain amount in your storage container, it’s shipped to you all at once. How about we both sign up for one and it keeps us still in the spirit of the program?

Oblivion: Um, sure.

Blackhawk: Until then, little hacker. We always have Raven.



The first hourhad been quiet as we settled into the drive, listening to the GPS navigate us out of the city. The early morning combined with the last few days caught up with me, and my head leaned against the window as my eyes drew heavy.

I’d fallen into that weird conscious, but unconscious state, where I knew I was asleep, but I wasn’t dead to the world. So when the dream started, it felt like I was watching it play out like a movie, reliving the past, but I was unable to stop it or make any different choices.

“What is this place?” I asked as I managed to crawl through a window into the basement. I tumbled into a few boxes as I landed and I quickly jumped up to see if anyone had heard me.

“It’s an abandoned house. Does it matter?” Obsidian said through my earbud. I’d remembered to bring them this time, meaning I didn’t have to have it on speaker. Which was good when I was meant to be stealthy.

“I guess not. It’s just kind of an odd request.”

“I thought that too,” Blackhawk started, but was cut off by Obsidian.

“Listen, as team leader, I pick from the pool of tasks I think we can do and which will give us the best opportunity to make it.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I grumbled, brushing off the dust I’d collected on me. “Why am I the only one who breaks into places?”

“Because you’re the best at it.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere,” I teased, but secretly liking that Blackhawk noticed my skills.

“With us being only three members now, we have to make a splash,” Obsidian continued, ignoring the flirting. He’d gotten pretty good at doing that.

“Ugh, don’t remind me. I can’t believe Mongoose bailed on us.” Sighing, I pulled out the mini flashlight and looked around the room. “I don’t see anything other than boxes. What should I take to show we were here?”

“Are there any files, or I don’t know brochures? Just something with a logo on it.”

“Sure, let me pull up the mystery place’s Wikipedia and see what’s in each box,” I sassed, rolling my eyes.

A deep chuckle came across the app, and even distorted, I knew it was Blackhawk’s. Spotting a box that said office, I walked over to it and began to open it. Thankfully, there was a brochure on top, so I plucked it and hoped it was for this place. Smoothing it out, I shined the light onto it.

“Magnolia House,” I murmured. “Found something. Okay, I’m getting out of here.”

“Grab a file too. I’m curious,” Obsidian said. Sighing, I grabbed a couple of folders off the top and shoved them down the back of my pants, pulling my shirt over them.

“Got it. Now, I’m leaving. This place gives me the creeps and it stinks.”

“Be careful, little hacker. We need you on our team.”

Smiling, I climbed out the window and closed it as I dashed off toward the street I’d parked on. Pulling my disguise off, I went to sign out of the app when I noticed a message in my inbox. Clicking on it, I was surprised by who it was from.

Mongoose: Oblivion, I need your help. Can we talk?

* * *

Jerking up,it took a few moments for me to realize we were still in the car. Peering around, I found Cohen still driving. He peeked over at me, a concerned look on his face.

“You okay, sweetheart?”

Wiping my mouth, I nodded, trying to rid myself of the dream. It felt like I’d been right back there.