Page 41 of Just for Her

Just on the edge of sleep, Annie startled, sitting forward at Maggie’s announcement.

“What does she want?” Katrina asked, annoyed.

“This is a nightmare,” Annie said. “I can’t believe she tracked us down.”

“She shouldn’t even be here,” Dave replied. “I’ll go talk to her.”

He got up and strolled off the deck with Justin and Maggie following. Relieved that they would handle it, Annie looked at Chris.

“Sorry,” she mouthed.

“You’ve got nothing to be sorry about. You’re right; this is a nightmare.”

“I wonder what Dave is going to say to her,” Katrina said.

“Can’t you lip-read?” Annie asked.

Dave would take charge. “Beverly, you shouldn’t be here.”

“I know you all converge here every Sunday and I need to talk to Annie. I swear to you, I didn’t hurt Stevie.”

“Beverly, let me repeat, you shouldn’t be here. You’ll have a chance to answer if it comes to that.”

“Are you going to charge me with child abuse?”

“It’s up to CPS. I’ll talk to my superiors tomorrow. Until then, you need to get home and stay sober.”

“I am sober,” she screamed, clenching her fists. “I’ll take a blood test right now.”

“That’s not possible since we’re out in the boondocks. Please, get in your car and go home.”

“You’re taking the word of a toddler. I didn’t hit him hard enough to leave bruises.”

“But you did hit him, did you not?”

“I did. I’ve already admitted that.”

“Well, if you’re not guilty, you’ll prove it and we can move on. But until that happens, you need to leave here and go home.”

“Should I come to the animal rescue tomorrow?” she asked, looking at Maggie.

“Beverly, you should probably stay away from Annie until this is settled.”

“That’s such a slap in the face. After all I’ve done for this place, working practically full-time for free.”

“Thank you forvolunteeringat your daughter’s rescue, Beverly.”

With that, she turned around and walked down the driveway to the gate. The group waited, watching. She swung a leg over and straddled the gate for a second, glancing over them with a look.

“She’s a loose cannon if you ask me,” Justin said.

“Shetriedto ruined our Sunday,” Maggie added. “But she didn’t. That’s a plus.”

The others had gathered up the chairs and were headed back to the cottage. They stood there, looking at each other, at a loss.

“What now?” Katrina asked.

“I’m ready to call it a day,” Annie said. “Thank you, everyone, for being here for me. Thank you for getting the babysitters, Maggie, and for the delicious meal, Justin. Dave, your potato salad is fabulous, as usual. I’ll get my kid and we’ll get out of your hair.”