“Elizabeth,” Val said, shaking his head in disgust. “You can’t be absolutely sure of this.”
“Oh, I’m sure of it, alright. Remember, I’ve been with the girls at their teas and luncheons. They include me in all of their social events…”
“Not after if they get wind of this conversation, they won’t,” Val bellowed.
Cindy caught Ben’s eye and he nodded his head toward the front door. It appeared they’d all had enough.
“You know, I have a terrible,terribleheadache. I hope you’ll forgive us but I think we’d better go,” Cindy said, patting her hair.
“Poor Mom. She gets these spells that come on all of a sudden like this,” Ben said. “Maybe it’s the wine.”
“She didn’t have any wine,” Val said.
Ben offered his arm and Joel got on the other side of their mother.
“Yes, I’m so sorry,” Cindy said as her sons led her through the maze of hallways to the front door, and Val and Elizabeth scurried after them, expressing their apologies.
“I hope my honesty didn’t upset you,” Elizabeth said.
“I do feel a certain loyalty to Annie,” Cindy said, her nose in the air. “After all, like you said, she’s going to be my sons’ stepmother. I don’t think we should spread stories around about her.”
“It’s not a story, I tell you. I heard it from Annie’s own mouth.”
“Well then, maybe she’ll tell us someday. Anyhow, I have a splitting headache.”
They quickly got into the car with Joel at the wheel. He started the engine and with the conversation still swirling around them, he rolled the car down the driveway.
Soon, they were on the street, waving goodbye to the Amottes.
“Look, there’s a burger place! Go through the drive through,” Cindy said. “I’m starving.”
“Ma, you okay?” Joel asked, looking in the rearview mirror.
“I’m fine. Madder than hell at that windbag, but oh well, we asked for it by seeking them out. So, what do you think of your new grandfather?”
“I never have to see him again,” Ben said.
“Me either,” Joel replied.
After they got their food, Joel pulled into a parking space overlooking the marina so they could eat.
“It’s a nice little town,” Cindy said. “I’d be happy for you two to visit your dad here.”
“I wish you’d leave Mobile,” Joel said. “Unless Kirk comes back, what’s keeping you there?”
“You boys! Who else?”
“Yeah, but what if we want to move here?”
“Can we worry about that if it happens?” Cindy said. “Now I’m really getting a headache.”
“If you are about ready, I want to head toward home,” Joel said.
“I’m ready. I’m going to send your father an email detailing the conversation and how we hightailed it out of there.”
“Aren’t you afraid of hurting Annie’s feelings?”
“Not really. He’ll filter what I say if he tells her. You know Dad. Always looking at the bright side of things.”