“You take it up with her. She’s chomping at the bit.”

“Well, too bad. She can share a room with the baby. When Jen stays over, or Calista’s kids come for an overnight, they can stay upstairs.”

“Whatever you say, my love.”

“Right,” Katy said, laughing.

The party was fun, the shack full of children and babies who livened up the space with laughter first, and as the day progressed, crying when bedtime approached. Ashlie was front and center, helping with the food, cleaning up, being part of the family. Her goal was to make restitution to Adam and Adelaide, and although she’d been told many times that all was forgotten, she would never forget.

Adam and Katy stood together at the door, saying their goodbyes, kissing children who didn’t want to leave and promising visits soon.

“Where’s Adelaide?” Katy asked, frantically looking around. “Adam, make sure she didn’t accidentally go home with Ashlie and Paul.”

They found her in bed, fully dressed, snoring. The exhausting day had ended.

“Let her sleep in her clothes,” Katy said, gently taking the little girl’s shoes off while Adam hovered nearby.

“You’re such a wonderful mother,” he whispered. “Thank you for loving my daughter.”

“Of course, I love her. We’ve been mother and daughter from almost the beginning.”

They tiptoed out of her room and shut the door. Katy got on her toes and kissed Adam.

“Thank you for the wonderful party. I can’t believe I did it and it’s over with.”

“What about the residency? That sounds really tough.”

“I’m used to burning the candle at both ends, to use a cliché. You are such a great partner, and my sister, Calista, is wonderful. I couldn’t have done it without you two.

“And as incredible as it sounds, I couldn’t have finished medical school without Ashlie. She was there for our family every step of the way.”

“Let’s get coffee,” Adam said, leading her back out into the living room. “Sit.”

She watched him working in the kitchen, left sparkling clean by Ashlie.

“I had a moment this afternoon,” Adam admitted. “Where I couldn’t remember how Ashlie fit into our lives. It was so weird, and then Adelaide called her Mommy Ashlie and I remembered.”

“Mommy Ashlie’s my bud. You made it happen, Adam. I don’t know many men who could have been as forgiving as you were.”

“It wouldn’t have happened without Paul,” he replied. “He’s quite a guy. I’m thrilled that he asked you to partner with him when you’re done with your residency.”

“How’d I get so lucky to haveyouas a partner?” Katy asked, wrapping her arms around his body. “I still can’t believe I got through medical school. I almost gave it up. If it wasn’t without your encouragement…”

“I didn’t really encourage you, did I? I was worried about being without you while you were in San Diego for four years.”

“I wouldn’t have gone if I didn’t get into Tulane. Anyway, it’s over with, thank God. Now, you’re next. You supported me, what can I do to support you so you can make your dreams come true?”

“Be careful what you ask me to do,” he said, snickering, his hands up her t-shirt.

“What? You want sex? I can do that for you.”

“Ha! Always. Actually, I’m looking for a bigger commitment.”

“You mean bigger than this gut hanging off me?” she asked, smoothing her hands under her pregnant belly. “This is a pretty enormous commitment.”

“Would you marry me?”

“Why? If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his earlobe.