“Ha! Call me Adam. I’ll be here tomorrow and for the rest of the summer.”

She glanced at him sidelong. “Okay. Adam. It’s weird but I’ll get used to it.”

“I hope so,” he said, purposely flirting.

Once the children were standing in line to go back into the building, he walked away, taking one last look over his shoulder, making eye contact with Katy, who waved to him.

Inside the day care, the chaos of getting the little bodies dried off and into clothing took twenty minutes, and then lunch was served. Katy hovered over the children, opening juice boxes and making sure fruit and veggies were consumed before she passed the cookies around.

After lunch, it was naptime, thank God, and Katy lay down with the two-year-olds, snuggling and trying not to fall asleep with them.

“Katy,” Calista whispered. “Can you crawl out of there without waking them up?”

Chuckling, Katy sat up and tried to angle herself away from the sleeping children whose limbs were covering her.

“What’s up, sister?” she asked.

“That guy I saw you with, Spencer’s grandson.”

“My old physics teacher.”

“No way.”

“Yep, Mr. Spencer,” she replied, laughing. “I’ll admit, there was a little flirtation going on.”

“Well, watch it. According to Sister Gertrude, his girlfriend broke up with him on Good Friday and got married last weekend. He’s on the rebound.”

“Ugh. Definitely not something I have any desire to get entangled with, especially right before my senior year of college.”

“Well, that’s the plus then, you’re going back to school for a year so not much can really happen right away, can it?”

“Nothing,” Katy said.

“What are you going to do after you graduate?”

“Stay in Southern California, what else? I’m sure as hell not coming back here.”

Chapter 1

The first day of school arrived and Ashlie Marco né Thebideux got there early to check out her homeroom class. She’d spent time the weekend before decorating the walls with examples of writing from the previous year’s work. Writing her name on the blackboard, she cringed, deciding to keep her maiden name—Thebideux. Soon, she’d be unable to hide the fact that she was pregnant. Her husband wasn’t an obstetrician, but he had noticed that morning when she got out of the shower.

“Wow, babe, your belly is out of control!”

“Is it? It’s my butt that is taking on a life of its own,” she said, grimacing as she glanced in the mirror. “I hate these mirrors.”

“I bet you’re having twins. There are twins on my side of the family.”

“You think so?” she asked, looking down.

And then a hot flash of epic proportions. She could be farther along than they had realized. As a matter of fact, it could be Adam Spencer’s baby.

“When are you going to see Paul again?”

“Next week,” she said, looking away from him.

The doctor, Terry’s best friend Paul Clark, had said at her second appointment that he thought she might be farther along than she originally thought. They’d do an ultrasound and take some measurements. It wasn’t until that moment that reality hit her. She looked up at Terry.

“I’m scared.”