“What’s wrong?” he asked, standing in front of the mirror, straightening his tie.

“It could be Adam’s baby.”

It was better to deal with it right away, on her first day of school when she was already a nervous wreck, and on Terry’s surgery day. The possibility that it might ruin both their days loomed large.

He looked at her reflection in the mirror, cocking his head to the side.

“Really? What the fuck, Ash?”

“I know.”

She sat on the edge of the bed with a plunk. He finished messing around with his tie that would not do what he wanted and came around to her.

“I mean, I know you were sleeping with him, but this is not a thing I’d want to deal with, ever. If it’s his, you’ll have to have an abortion.”

“It’s too late to get rid of it,” she said.

“No, it’s not.”

“I’m not doing that, Terry.”

“Well, I’m not raising that asshole’s kid. Give it to him, then.”

“Can I find out if it’s Adam’s first? Do you mind?”

“No, not at all. We can do a DNA test now. The baby’s DNA is floating around in your blood. We’ll have it checked against mine. That way, if it’s my kid, that asshole never needs to know there was a question.”

“Can you stop referring to him as that asshole? You were involved with a less-than-stellar woman last year if memory serves, the reason we broke up.”

“Yeah, but she’s not pregnant.”

“That you know of,” Ashlie said. “If it is his kid, and I give it to him, I still want to see it, got it?”

“I got it, babe. Now I can go to work and be pissed off all day.”

“Arrange for the DNA test, please, unless you want me to ask Paul for it and then get your friend involved in our mess. I’m not happy about having to see him, anyway. It’s a little perverse if you ask me.”

“Paul’s seen more than his share of crotches, Ash. Do you think yours is that special?”

“Yes, because it’s his best friend’s wife’s crotch.”

Terry rubbed his chin. “Did Paul ever say anything inappropriate to you?”

“Not a word. I have a feeling he was just as uncomfortable as I was, to tell you the truth.”

“If you’re carrying another man’s baby, that will be some BS.”

“I’m sure he’s heard of worse stories, Terry. I’m done talking about it.”

“I’ll arrange the test so keep your phone on.”

“I have my first day of school.”

“I know. I’m sorry about the crotch crack.”

“Yeah, it’s all fun and games until something like this happens,” she said, on the verge of tears.

“Thank you for not waiting to tell me,” he said, trying to embrace her. “I could just imagine finding out when the kid is an adult and needs a blood transfusion.”