“It’s okay, Bubba,” she repeated. “Tell Gloria all is well. It was just a weird day. Nothing like a horse to shake things up.”

“Usually, it’s a horse that’s familiar with the lady, that’s what’s so strange about it. Not a wild horse, picking a stranger out to fawn over.”

“She’s been fawning, too. I’m looking forward to see how she acts in the coming months.”

“Can I tell Gloria?”

“Yes, you may. But no one else, please, until Easter. It’s a little early.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Please tell Gloria that I’m thrilled, too,” Justin said. “I’m afraid the ladies might have gotten this wrong idea.”

“It was all my fault,” Bubba said, going for the door. “Good evening, you two. See you next time.”

The door shut, and they waited for the sound of his truck to signal his departure. Maggie just couldn’t shake the apathy she felt, wondering if they would ever get what they once had together back. The only way she knew how to move forward was to just go through the motions and ignore her feelings. Justin was here with her. He said he loved her. She loved him. They were going to have a baby. Nothing else needed to be said.

“I think I’m going to change into my sweatpants,” she said. “Then I’ll cook, and we can eat on the porch.”

“I brought meatloaf from your mom.”

“I’d rather eat meatloaf than steak. Are you okay with that? I’ll cook steak tomorrow, or you can do it on the grill.”

“Meatloaf and baby cake is perfect.”

She pointed to the stairs. “You go first.” There was no way she was going to put her ass in front of him on the steps.

“Aw, come on!”

“Not on your life.” But she finally laughed.


As soon as he docked his boat and dispensed his catch, Alphé sent Katrina a text.

I’m on my way home. Let’s take care of that request tonight.

Laughing when she read it, she answered him right back.I’m headed over there now.

Calista was at the house with the children, waiting for Alphé to get home, when Katrina arrived.

“Austin bought an RV and we’re going shopping tonight as soon as I get home, so we can take this brood camping. Can I leave Porter and Davina with you for a couple of hours? I’ll be home by bedtime, promise.”

“Of course. Go. Enjoy!”

Familiar with Calista’s situation, Katrina knew she’d never left Cypress Cove, and even a trip to the store in Saint John’s Parish would be a vacation for her.

“Ask Alphé if we can take the kids with us. I know the older ones probably won’t want to go. But Pris and Rumor will love it.”

“I’ll ask him.”

Hugging Katrina, Calista couldn’t help feeling the tiniest bit of fear; if Austin made an accusation against Alphé, how would it affect her relationship with Katrina? She finally had a genuine friend. She left the house without disturbing the children.

She’d cooked a nutritious meal, which they had already eaten, and cleaned up Alphé’s house. Lola never did anything when she was there getting the kids off to school; daily, Calista walked in to a mess with a dirty coffee cup on the coffee table and a sink full of breakfast dishes. Out of gratitude to Alphé for being so kind to her, and for Katrina, she made sure the house was spotless when she left there each evening.

He still hadn’t offered to pay her, however. And when she began the short walk home and saw the Mercedes SUV that he’d taken back from Lola round the corner, she knew she had to ask him. Waiting on the sidewalk, Calista stood watching as he pulled into the driveway behind Lola’s car.

“Hey, Calista.”