Maggie stood on the porch and watched her drive off. Then she thought of Justin and sent him a text.Can you get away for lunch today?
He answered right away.Will one work for you?
She answered with one word…Yes.
When Maggie returned from town, all evidence of the party had been removed. Just a flattened area where the grass had been trampled revealed anything about the night. Horses were in the woods; she could see them hovering at the entrance to the yard but not venturing out into the clearing. When the sound of the skiff motor echoed around the property, they slowly moved back farther into the trees.
Sadly, Maggie was afraid of the price she might have to pay for having had the party. She helped Brulee out of the boat and walked her around a little bit before they went inside. Getting into the shower next, the hot water felt so good on her skin. With her face pointed up to the spray, she let it beat down on her with eyes closed, all worries and concerns temporarily washing down the drain.
Back in the kitchen, she sat at the table with her hair up in a towel and worked for the next several hours, having added a third, fourth and then fifth client to her graphic design business, enabling her to leave the money she’d received in her divorce settlement untouched. Slowly replacing the funds she’d spent on the rescue would permit her to reinvest any proceeds back into the rescue instead of paying herself a draw. She didn’t need the money. There was a smugness she’d hide from everyone, including Justin, because the money she got was undeserved; she didn’t want her marriage to Russ to fail before it began, but since it did, and Russ was willing to pay her off out of guilt, she was happy to comply. The money allowed her to do things like pay for Annie’s COBRA insurance payments so she’d have health insurance for her maternity care, care for the wild horses, and put on parties for her friends.
Smiling as she sent files to her clients, she’d slowly raised her prices until business slowed down to a comfortable pace; they’d probably feel entitled if they knew the deal they were getting.
“Make your customers sign a nondisclosure contract regarding money,” her lawyer advised. “Let them know they are getting a price no one else will get.”
It had worked, and her clients were loyal, giving her more work than she’d hoped for. Until someone left her, she’d be busy for the indefinite time being.
At one, a whinny came in through the screen door, alerting Brulee that Stormy and Justin had just arrived.
She got up in time to see him slide out of the saddle, a breathtaking sight.
Without saying a word, after he tied the horse to the railing, she took his hand and led him inside, shutting and locking the door.
No words were needed as they climbed the stairs together, Maggie slightly in front of him, but careful to keep his T-shirt that she wore pulled down over her rear end.
“You know I’m dying to look, right?”
“Wait till we get into bed,” she said. “You can look all you want then.”
They didn’t waste any time. She helped him undress, pulling the dark green T-shirt he wore out of the waist of his jeans. Smoothing her hands over his chest, desire for him grew out of bounds; she wanted to push him on the bed and climb on, an aggressive move that was out of character for her, but she was going to do it.
Grabbing his belt to unbuckle, she unbuttoned the metal button of his jeans and unzipped. With her fingers in the waistband, she pulled everything down in one movement. He was ready for her, and that was the first thing she noticed. But she wanted to slow down a bit, so she took him into her mouth, delighting in the pleasure it brought him.
“That’s not going to slow me down, by the way,” he muttered. “Just the opposite.”
“Lie on the bed,” she commanded, and he did.
She reached for the edge of the T-shirt she wore and pulled it over her head.
“God, Maggie, you’re killing me,” Justin said, looking at her.
She climbed on top of him, straddling his hips, and reached down, grabbing on and sliding him against her until it found its path, entering her body.
Everything about the hour that afternoon was wonderful: the urgency to be together, the act itself, and the aftermath. They lay together, Justin on his back with his arm around Maggie’s shoulders, pulling her close. Finally, he looked at his watch. It was one forty.
“Crap. I have to get back to the clinic,” he said, pulling his arm out.
She watched him pick up his clothes and disappear into the bathroom, where he took a two-minute shower, getting in after he was finished.
“Can you take a nap?” he asked.
“No, I’d better go to the rescue and give the women breaks.”
She quickly dressed in the clothes she’d worn into town that morning.
“I’ll give you a ride over there.”