“Of the pool,” he said. “It’s got a playground and wading pool, too.”

He pulled into the designated parking spot, and they got out to meet the rental agent, who touted its praises. The place was perfect for a single parent and one child, with two small bedrooms and two bathrooms. It was on the second floor, so although the balcony might pose a hazard for a younger child, for an older child like Grace it would be perfect. And a second-floor location would be safer from a kidnapping standpoint. When the rental agent said this, Ryan and Sofia quickly looked at each other and tried not to grimace.

“I’ll let you two talk,” the agent said when his phone rang.

Left alone in the apartment, the couple looked into closets and cupboards, went out on the balcony and looked at the view.

“Look! If you stretch to the left, you can see the ocean,” Sofia said. “And there’s the pier. I like this spot. You can put a small table and chairs out here and have a place to eat a meal together.”

Back inside, she examined the smaller of the two bedrooms. “This is perfect for Grace. The room is small, but you could put bunk beds in here, Ryan. Then when she makes friends, she can have sleepovers.”

Looking around, the excitement about Grace coming to live with Ryan was growing, apresencehovering over her. She looked up at the ceiling and smiled, mouthing,Okay, Jake, move on.

Back out in the living room, the rental agent out in the hallway taking a call, Sofia grabbed Ryan. Holding each other, the meaning was clear. The feeling mutual.

“I love this place, Ryan. It’s a perfect place to raise a child.”

“So I guess that means you give it a yes?”

“A double yes. Welcome to your new home!”


June the Following Year

Running to the store for last minute party food, Sofia had planned on just having kids at Grace’s last-day-of-kindergarten party.

“Oh, no, my dear,” Elizabeth Behnig had advised. “You have to invite all the parents, too, or you’ll be swamped trying to lifeguard all the little beasts.”

“Jeez, I never even thought of that,” Sofia replied, grimacing. “Will you stay here while I run back out? I’ll get a case of wine and adult snacks.”

“Perfect. Please get a fifth of gin, too. And some limes.”

Taken aback, Sofia nodded, grabbing her purse. The old people could put away their booze. That would be the second fifth of gin they had downed in two days.

“And a case of beer,” Elizabeth called out before shutting the door.

Laughing as she got into the car, each moment spent with the Behnigs made it clearer why Ryan had fallen in love with Caroline. They were a riot. The moment he proved to them that he could safely care for Grace, they’d made a one-hundred-eighty-degree turnaround to be as supportive as they could possibly be. Between the Behnigs and Ed and Ruth, her transition from girlfriend to stepmother and wife had been nearly effortless.

Ryan’s job was inflexible, so anytime a parent’s presence was needed, Sofia slipped into the role. And Grace loved Sofia. The first meeting took place at Ed and Ruth’s the weekend they brought her down to see Ryan’s new apartment.

“Daddy, I love this! You have a pool. Grannie and Grandpa don’t even have a pool.”

“Don’t complain to them about it,” Ryan said, snickering.

“I won’t. I like my room here, Daddy.”

“Sofia thinks you should have bunk beds.”

“Bunk beds? Like one on top of the other?”

“Exactly. Then you can have your little friends here for sleepovers.”

While they were having this chat, Sofia observed them with a cup of coffee in her hand.

“Did you really say that?” Grace asked, her head cocked to the side.

“I did. Daddy, didn’t I say this room will be perfect for Grace?”