“Do you want to talk to my uncle John? My dad said he’s determined to see you return to medicine.”

“He said that?”

“Yes, he said that.”

“Why didn’t you tell me before?”

“Ryan, when we got home Sunday night, you went to your room and have hardly said two words to me since. I’m trying to leave you alone.”

He pushed his plate away, stood up from the table and began to pace. “I’m sorry for being rude. The things that made it possible for me to almost ruin my life and end up sleeping on the street are still part of me. I can bury them like I’m trying to do now, but they are waiting to show their ugly heads.”

“How can I help you?” she pleaded. “I want you to be a success.”

“I know you do, and I appreciate it so much. But I feel like things are getting out of control again with the uncle and the boyfriend’s father.”

“I don’t think it’s a coincidence that you ran into a woman who has those connections, do you?”

“Do you mean you did it on purpose?” he asked.

“No! Man, what do you take me for? Like it was a conspiracy? No, Ryan. I didn’t pick you up because I knew anything. I promise you. No, what I mean is it’s almost a divine accident. Like predestination might have had something to do with bringing us together.”

“Okay, now you’re talking crazy,” he said, but he did laugh and pull his chair out to sit again. He didn’t let on that he agreed with her.

Pulling his dinner back, he nodded toward hers. “Sit down and join me. I’m sorry I’m so nuts. This is truly making me feel like I’m losing my mind.”

“What can I do to ease the craziness?” she asked.

“Nothing, really. I know I keep repeating myself. Thank you for your support. I have to keep working, and next week I’ll start the reentry program. After that, I’ll just take it one day at a time.”

While Ryan ate, Sofia picked at her dinner. It was now or never. She had to get some answers from him or she was the one who would lose it.

“I’m embarrassed to bring this up,” she said bravely. “I guess I just need some clarification on where I stand in your life. You’ve given me mixed signals, and I don’t want to make any demands on you.”

He shook his head, the intention clear. “You’re my best friend right now. Myonlyfriend. I’m afraid that’s all I can give you.”

“Okay. I’m fine with that. It means I can relax.”

He looked at her curiously but didn’t say another word.

Chapter 6

July 4 became a milestone for Sofia. For the first time since Jake died, she entertained at her house with an impromptu barbeque. After inviting all the friends who had never given up on her, she had a nice crowd show up for a meal and beach time. People came in to greet her and then headed to the beach with towels and chairs and umbrellas. The beach in front of her house was packed with partygoers.

Isabella helped her with the food. They’d serve ribs, hamburgers and hotdogs that Isabella’s boyfriend, Jeff, prepared on the grill, and all the summer salads, Jell-O cake, fruit salad and more.

On the balcony she had two ice chests filled with sodas and drinks. Platters of cheeses and pepperoni, chips and dips and crackers—all the goodies expected at a summer holiday party were in abundance.

“Mom should see this,” Isabella said, looking at the spread.

“She’d be so proud. I invited them, but Dad wanted to stay home and relax today.”

“Where’s your roomie?” Isabella asked, looking around.

“We found out that Uncle John is the guy who made him lose his license to practice medicine, and after discovering that Jake’s dad is the head of some refresher course he has to take, he found another room to rent the next day. I haven’t heard from him since.”

“Well, Uncle John didn’t exactly make him lose his license.”

“That’s true, but he was a handy scapegoat.”