“No one’s home upstairs.”

Almost replying,so what,until he saw her look; if an expression saidlet’s have sex,hers succeeded in saying it, naked desire radiating from her face. Taking her offered hand, he nodded and led her to the entrance of the apartment building. They didn’t speak to each other again until later that afternoon.

Coming out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her hair and nothing else, she closed their bedroom door. Ryan was lying on his stomach, snoring. She pulled the blanket up over his nakedness, but not before spending a few moments in appreciation. He was just beautiful, the sculptured musculature of his perfect body like an anatomy illustration.

Tiptoeing to her side of the divider, she pulled on pajama bottoms and a T-shirt and got into bed for a nap before their night started, in the state of total relaxation following sex. It had been really good too, considering they were strangers. He was interested in her body and focused on her pleasure and succeeded in every respect of the word. Hoping it wasn’t a mistake to jump into bed with him or, more realistically, dragging him to bed, time would tell. Everything about Ryan appealed to her, from the initial introduction where he came across as being genuine and humble, to his kind personality, to his handsome good looks, to his intellect. And now add to that his smoking hot sensuality.

Quickly falling asleep, three hours later soft voices outside their bedroom door woke her up. By the total darkness in the room, she figured it was time to get up and get ready for her night rotation. Jeans and a T-shirt were the uniform of choice, and she’d change into scrubs at the hospital. Backpack and ID were all she needed. She contemplated waking Ryan, but it was still early. But when she walked to the other side of the divider, his bed was made with no one in it.

Light flooded the room when she opened the door. All three roommates were at the kitchen table, eating pizza, talking in low voices for her benefit.

“I’m up, everyone. Thank you for letting me sleep.”

“Come join us,” Jon said. “I guess you two drew the short straw.”

“It’s easier for a newbie to start on nights right away,” Nate replied. “Not as many chiefs around. I know your third-year anesthesia resident and he’s great. But you’ll have an intern tonight, so you’ll be his boss.”

“No way,” Ryan said, flaring his nostrils. “I can’t be my own boss let alone lead a medical student around.”

“It’ll be fine,” Caroline said. “You’ll see. You’ll find your way around the hospital, and if anyone needs you, they’ll find you. If I hear of anything, I’ll let you know.”

“What will you do tonight?” Ryan asked.

“I’ll make rounds, look at charts, make sure patients have what they need if they’re going to the OR in the morning, that kind of thing. Trust me, nights are a great way to start. You’ll learn a lot tonight.”

“If you say so,” Ryan said.

It didn’t seem possible he’d had sex with her just a few hours earlier. The memory made him smile. She was so nice. Her body was soft and supple, she wasn’t an athlete, so she even had a little rounded belly that he wanted to bite.

“I’ve never had a guy so turned on by my fat,” she murmured as they lay together in his bed.

“You’re not fat. You’re perfect. I wantyou.”

“Well, thank heaven for that,” Caroline said, trying not to giggle. “This is me. And I promise I’ve never slept with a roommate before.”

“I didn’t think of such a thing,” he said, frowning. “Right now there’s no one else in the world for me. I hope I can make the transition back down to earth.”

“Aw, you’re flattering me.”

“I’m serious, Caroline. There’s no one else.”

Watching her eat pizza and laughing with the other roommates, Ryan wondered what the progression of time was going to do to the two of them. Would she move on quickly while he was stuck in the first throes of love? Or would she be just as crazy about him as he was about her and want to run ahead, get married, and start their life together?

It wouldn’t take long to find out. By Christmas the following year, they were in love, and although the premonition he’d made to Eddie Page was slightly delayed, he and Caroline decided they’d get married as soon as they were finished with their residencies in two years.

After they finished their residencies, they found jobs in San Diego at the same hospital. They bought a house in Scripps Ranch. Every morning, they went into work together, the handsome new anesthesiologist and the pretty new redheaded surgeon doing a fellowship for a year before joining a prestigious surgical group. They were the perfect match.

The fellowship went smoothly, and after joining the practice, that whirlwind occupied the next months until, finally, they could take a real vacation.

“Let’s go to Hawaii,” Ryan said. “Believe it or not, I’ve never been.”

“Why would you need Hawaii when you have Southern California?” Caroline asked, handing him a pile of folded laundry.

“Everyone says it’s different.”

“Well, I’ve been, and trust me, it’s not that different. We can go, but be prepared to spend a small fortune on food.”

“We can afford it,” Ryan said, kissing her cheek.