“No, I agree,” Emily said, getting out her phone again to check the calendar. “Over Thanksgiving, I’m off that entire week. So Saturday thru the following Sunday. Nine days. Can you get it off?”

“I’ll do my best. Let’s get married the Saturday before Thanksgiving.”

“Yes! Perfect. Boy, that was easy. We set a date and chose a venue in two minutes.”

Paul navigated the truck down the driveway. “I’m really sorry my neighbors ended up being such jerks because it would have been nice to invite them all. Now I’m not even sure I want to live here.”

“You have a lease, correct?”

“I do. One year.”

“So we give it a year,” Emily replied. “If they continue to be a problem, we’ll leave.”

“You make everything easy, Em. Thank you for that.”

He leaned over and gave her a kiss with one eye on the road.

That last Monday together before school started became an icon by which they’d measure all other time spent together. Due to a storm out to sea, the surf was wild, and in her glory on a surfboard, Emily impressed Paul beyond anything he could have imagined.

“For not spending any time surfing this summer, you are in great shape,” he said, carrying her board back to the truck for her.

“Yeah, but I’m exhausted now. Yikes, that was a workout. My legs are like jelly.”

“Are you ready to head home?”

“I am and I’m getting into the spa as soon as I do.”

“Let’s go!”

At her house, she turned the heater on for the spa. Paul put her board on the rack in the garage.

“I’m determined not to let that much time pass again before I surf. I’m getting into the spa naked, by the way. It’s the one part of the pool that isn’t visible from Billy’s house.”

Paul looked at her with his mouth hanging open. “It sounds painful.”

“Ha! You can wear trunks. I don’t have anything to bob around but my boobs, and they could use it after that cold water. The water isn’t so hot to be dangerous if we decide to doit, either.”

“It might actually feel good,” he said uncertainly. “I mean hot water, chemicals and flesh…”

Emily laughed.

“Even after the shower this morning? Boy, you are a dynamo.”

“Only with you,” he said. “My family thought there was something wrong with me because I wasn’t really interested. But you changed that. I have a chronic hard-on.”

“Shut up,” she said, swatting at him.

“I do! Look!” He framed his crotch with his hands, and sure enough, something was straining to be released.

“Let’s get in the spa, and maybe I can help out with that.”

She stripped right in front of him, not at all shy, and climbed into the spa. He followed, wearing his swim trunks.

“Oh, man, does this feel good,” she said, lying back.

Sliding next to her, he whispered in her ear as his hand explored her. “Let me make you feel better.”

Chapter 6