A huge banner printed withCongratulations Paul and Emilywas strung across the driveway leading into Robin and Sam’s yard.

The tent was one of those huge party tents, just like Robin had suggested. There were four porta-potties off to the side. A portable kitchen had been set up with a grill that was six feet long, with Angus manning the grill. Roberta and Mike were already there with the rest of the family, waving madly.

Inside the tent, a familiar-looking woman worked with uniformed waiting staff.

“Oh god, that’s Faith Bogart,” Emily groaned. “She said she wasn’t going to forget that I’d helped evacuate the clinic, but I didn’t think she meant she’d wait tables for our reception.”

The limo stopped, and friends and family, including the entire Saint clan and all the firefighters from #20, surrounded it as they climbed out, shaken and emotional.

Deafening applause rang out on their behalf as Aunt Roberta stepped forward.

“I know you hate surprises,” she said, hugging Emily. “Robin got in touch right after the fire leveled the station, and we put our heads together with Charlie and the Porters.”

“You knew about this?” Emily asked, looking at her parents.

They just nodded, smiling, Alice wiping away a tear. “I knew you’d regret it if you didn’t have something, and Robin and Sam offered. Paul wanted to have it up here, so here we are.”

“Thank you so much,” Paul called out. “I can’t believe it.”

“This is amazing!” Emily cried.

“Let’s get this party started!” Big Mike shouted.


Spring made itself known by the evidence of baby birds everywhere and pollen allergies making everyone sneeze. Emily woke up to an odd sound, baaing, and the smell of lamb. Hopping out of bed, she discovered that Dr. Bogart’s sheep were in the main flower bed that Karin had so carefully tended during spring break, eating everything that had flowered.

“Shoo!” she cried, running down the steps in T-shirt and underpants. “Go home!”

They ran, skittish at the best of times, in the general direction of the clinic, but just to make sure they were safe, she called Faith, who was on speed dial.

“Your dad’s sheep are on their way home again,” she said.

“Oh god, I’m so sorry. I’ll pay for Karin to replace what they’ve eaten.”

“No worries. I’m outside in my underpants, and Sam is staring at me, so goodbye.”

She quickly hung up and ran inside just as the rumble of Paul’s diesel engine vibrated the cabin.

“You’re home,” she said, waiting at the door.

“And you’re almost naked. This is like a dream come true.”

“The sheep were here again.”

“I thought I smelled lamb,” he said, frowning, then pointing to the porch. Sheep poop that looked like Cocoa Puffs cereal was everywhere. “Charlie says their Indian name is Shits Without Warning.”

“I think that’s politically incorrect,” Emily said, laughing.

Dropping his bags off inside the door, he reached for his wife, hugging her, nuzzling her neck. She smelled like lavender and toothpaste and her shampoo, a minty scent that he associated with her even if she wasn’t nearby.

“Everything reminds me of you. We went into town to buy groceries last night, and when I walked by the florist, I accidentally brushed by a bunch of lavender and got a hard-on.”

“You’re so romantic, Paul,” she said sleepily. “So did you work all night?”

“I did. Brush fires just outside the base.”

“So! Should I lead you to the bed?”