“I’m a little nervous about doing this, to tell you the truth.”

Maybe she should have invited Kathy to come. Kathy, who always complimented Emily and had something nice to say.


“You’re so critical of me, Mother. I’m frankly a little scared about what might come out of your mouth.”

Sitting back in her seat, Alice knew exactly to what her daughter was referring. Instead of denying it, she was going to face it and deal with it. “Emily, I’m sorry. I have certain expectations of you, and I don’t hesitate to state them. You know grandma and grandpa were drunks who didn’t give a crap about what I did. I want you to be everything you can be.”

“Yeah, but comments about my weight are not helpful. And they especially aren’t going to be helpful today.”

Taking a deep breath, Alice relented. “Okay. No comments. You’re not going to lose fifty pounds between now and Thanksgiving anyway.”

“Mother, that’s exactly what I don’t need to hear! Stuff a sock in it, will you, please?”

“Not another word,” she promised, reaching for the door handle again. “Let’s go.”

So the dress experience, although far from easy, was at least productive. She found a straight, what was calledmermaidstyle, and the saleswoman promised they’d make it loose enough that Emily could sit down in it.

“Well, that certainly works,” Alice said, scrutinizing her body, tipping her head first left, then right. “And it looks like your boobs aren’t going to pop out like that last number.”

It wasn’t strapless like most of the dresses were, but had an off-the-shoulder thing that would keep thegirlsin place. Hiking up the top, Emily stared at her reflection in the mirror.

“I wish we would have invited the colonel. Daddy,” Emily said. “What was he doing today?”

“I’ll text him to come now if you want,” Alice said, a little hurt.

“Yes, text him.”

Emily didn’t move, standing on the elevated platform in front of the mirror. What would Paul think of the dress?

“He just answered that he’ll be here in ten minutes,” Alice said, fussing with the shoulders. “You’ll need some kind of wrap. It can get cold at night in November. And a strapless bra.”

“We have all-in-ones,” the saleswoman said.

“No, I’m not wearing anything like that. I’ll get a bra, but no girdle thingies. No way.”

“It’ll streamline your backside,” Alice said, smoothing her hand over Emily’s rear end.

“Mom, no offense, but I don’t have a problem with my ass. And Paul likes it. Why would I smash it down?”

“Shush, here comes your father.”

They could hear his voice asking for Emily. The saleswoman led him back to the dressing room, and when he saw Emily, he broke into a huge smile.

“Will you look at her!” Then, predictably, he started to cry. “You’re so beautiful. You’ll make a gorgeous bride.”

Alice patted his back, grinning. “She does look nice.”

Carefully stepping off the platform, Emily hugged her father.

“Okay, that settles it. This is the dress.”

“Paul will go apeshit,” Rob said.

“Really?” Alice asked, grimacing while Emily laughed.

“Let me get out of the dress. Do you two want to go to lunch after this?”