He perked up, grinning. “You mean like a bubble bath?”

“Ha! If that’s what you’d like, a bubble bath it is.”

“I don’t have a tub, though.”

“How about a shower and afternoon delight?”

She led him into the bathroom, where her ministrations worked wonders, his moans of pleasure and occasional raucous laughter echoing throughout the cabin.

“Do you know what I’d really like to do now?” he said when they’d dried off and were dressed again, sitting at the kitchen table with fresh cups of coffee.

“What’s that?”

“I feel like going to the beach.”

“You don’t think it’s too late?”

“We have six hours of daylight left. Let’s go.”

“I wonder what the surf is doing.”

Emily got out her phone and scrolled through a social media surfing site she liked. “It says five-foot swells in Oceanside. Let’s go. Do you mind swinging by my place for a board?”

“Absolutely not! Let’s go.”

They poured coffee into travel mugs, and Emily threw together sandwiches since the shower had precluded lunch making, and they headed out to the truck, but the roar of a diesel engine interrupted them.

“Oh shit, or as my uncle Mike loves to say,Lord Jesus. Here comes Faith.”

“I’m not comfortable with this,” Emily cried. “What if she came to kill you?”

“I don’t think she’d kill me over this, but maybe you should go inside.”

“Oh, hell no. If I hadn’t been so prideful, I’d have come out as soon as I saw her pull up this morning.”

They didn’t walk up to greet Faith’s truck. Instead, Paul opened the truck door so they could stow their lunch and his bag of swim trunks and towels.

“She’s crying,” Emily muttered. “Don’t get sucked in if you can help it. Of course she wouldn’t ugly cry.”

“I won’t,” he said, snickering. Then he called out to Faith as she approached them, “Do I have to call the sheriff?”

“No!” she cried. “I’m so sorry. That wasn’t my intention at all. One of the deputies saw my wrists and I just broke down. They took it out of context. I’d never accuse you of assault, probably even if you assaulted me. It’s not my style.”

“Faith, go away, okay? Leave it alone. Leaveusalone. I’m not sure what I did to encourage you, but it was unintentional, just like your assault complaint.”

She paused and nodded her head, turning back to the truck.

“Hopefully, this is the last time she comes here,” Emily said, seething.

“Can we please go to the beach now?” Paul asked, looking up at the sky. He held Emily’s door for her, watching Faith turn her truck around. “We need to set a date and the sooner, the better.”

“Let’s just get married. I’m dreading involving my mother in the plans.”

“Like elope? It’s tempting, but you deserve better than that,” Paul said. “We can do it right at the firehouse. If it’s too much for your mother, my aunt would probably be thrilled to take over. All we need to do is figure out when.”

Emily’s excitement was hard to miss. “When I’m on break from school.”

“I don’t want to wait until Christmas, though.”