Thinking about it made him sick. She was angry when she left. Making the decision to tell her about the engagement at the last minute was his attempt to get her to understand where he was coming from, but it just made everything worse.

Pouring their coffee, he wondered if everyone had just lost their minds. He’d fix Emily a bagel so they could start their day. He was ready to move on. She soon came out of the shower.

“Have some breakfast and coffee, and then I’ll tell you the surprise.”

It was obvious he was still struggling with something, but she didn’t want to harp on it, hoping he’d get over it fast. After she ate, making small talk the whole time, he went to the door and held it for her.

“Follow me to the barn, my lovely,” he said, beginning to relax.

“Are we going to ride?”

“We are. I was going to make a lunch and the whole ball of wax but decided to keep it simple.”

“I’m so excited!”

They got the horses saddled up and led them out into the yard. Hoping Sam and Robin kept their distance, Paul stood by as Emily got into the saddle like a pro. He mounted Blackie next. Easy conversation put the horses at ease, and Emily thought maybe Paul was settling down from whatever had occurred with Faith.

“Lead the way,” she said, pointing regally. “I will follow.”

They left the yard and rode side by side on the dirt trail they always rode, the gentle clop, clop of the horses’ hooves comforting. The California live oak branches mingled above their heads, and the tunnel they created was cool and quiet, rays of sun streaming down where they could find openings.

“I want to live here,” Emily said.

Paul smiled, nodding his head. “I feel the same way. I’ll call Barney today and tell him we’re interested in buying.”

He reached out for her hand. It was the perfect morning ride.

“We should take advantage of this. I’m afraid that I’ll take it for granted and never ride.”

“We’ll make a point of it.”

He led them to the place where Karin had told him about the virgin sacrifice, repeating the story.

Emily nodded. “I remember something about that when I was a kid. It just came to me. There was a murder up here a while back. They called itThe Virgin Sacrifice. A young girl was found strangled to death. They tried to blame a ranch hand, but he had an alibi. The boyfriend was tried and acquitted after a hung jury. The county didn’t have the money or the evidence to try him again.”

“That’s awful. I wonder why I never heard of it. Karin said she made it up about the virgin sacrifice.”

“Maybe she was trying to lure you over to her.”

“I’m glad I didn’t get off my horse,” he said, laughing.

“I love the myth, though. Look! That’s a pomegranate tree. They’re good luck.”

They continued riding through the ruins. A cool breeze blew through and Emily shivered, a strange feeling flowing through her.

They turned back toward the cabin. Going through the gate, Paul saw the cars first. Two sheriff’s cars. Of course, Sam and Robin had climbed the fence and were in the yard, trying to find out what their business was.

“I had a creepy feeling back there. I wonder what’s going on?” Emily asked, looking over at Paul. “I hope the family is okay.”

“I never thought of that,” he said, turning to the sheriff. “Can I help you?”

He climbed down off Gloria, holding on to Blackie’s reins for Emily.

“Mr. Saint?”

“That’s me.”

“We have a complaint.” The officer looked at Sam and Robin and tipped his hat before nodding toward the barn. “Let’s go inside.”