“Emily and I are engaged,” he said before she walked away.

Whipping around, Faith turned back, stunned. It took her a few seconds to respond. “Is that right? When did this happen?”

“Last Thursday,” he said, watching her.

“Well, congratulations, I guess,” she said. “I can’t believe it.”

All she wanted to do was get out of there as fast as she could. They didn’t say goodbye, and he turned back to the cabin before she was out of the driveway. Emily quickly ran into the bathroom and turned the shower on. When she came out to get her bag, Paul had just come into the cabin.

“Just going to hop into the shower,” she said.

“Faith was just here,” he said, watching her. “I told her not to come on the weekends anymore, and I’m going to let my landlord know that it’s not convenient if she continues to do so.”

“Okay,” she said, not sure what his motive was. “It doesn’t bother me that she was here today, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

“I don’t want her intruding on our time together. And I told her we were engaged.”

Finally getting it, Emily realized that there might have been some attraction between Paul and the older woman.

“What did she say to that?”

“She asked when we did it. I told her Thursday.”

“Do you think she’ll give you any trouble?”

“Trouble? No, no trouble. You know what a bunch of gossips my neighbors are. I want them to know the truth, that’s all.”

“I mean, do you think she’ll have a hard time because she wants you for herself.”

Emily gave him a sidelong glance with a big smile, but it made him squirm a little bit.

“I don’t think so. I mean, no. There was nothing coming from me. I’m not attracted to her. I never even flirted with her. I mean,” and here he stumbled a little bit, “she’s pretty and smart, but I never even considered asking her out on a date.

“I went riding with Karin once. She’s the girl who does the gardens. But it was nothing more than a horseback ride. She’s a college student.”

“Calm down, Paul. I’m not challenging you. Let’s start over. I’m hopping in the shower and will be right out.”

He ran his fingers through his hair. “I have a surprise for you.”

“I love your surprises,” she said. There had definitely been a shift. It wasn’t even subtle. Maybe there was more to his relationship with the veterinarian than he was admitting.

She took one last look at him before disappearing into the shower. Paul stood at the sink. His heart had finally slowed down.

He’d made the mistake of following Faith into the barn. Trying to keep away from her wasn’t working because they were just over the threshold, out of sight of the yard, when she threw her arms around him and kissed him, grinding her body against his. Everything about her felt foreign and unwelcome. Her teeth grazed his lip, the smell of her breath taking him by surprise, ketone breath like a person who hadn’t eaten in a while.

Without hesitating, he’d grabbed her wrists and held her away from him. “Faith, knock it off.”

“Please. Don’t be afraid,” she’d whispered, looking into his eyes, trying to get free of his grasp. “Just give me a chance.”

“Faith, you’re losing it. Stop it,” he said, trying to control her while she grabbed at his clothing.

“I want you, Paul, and I know you want me. There’s so much chemistry between us. Everyone says so. They feel it.”

“I love Emily,” he said, holding her hands away.

That was all it took, and she stopped immediately, out of breath, glaring at him. She pulled from his grip, rubbing her wrists. “I still can’t believe you are dating Emily. She’s repulsive. I don’t get it.”

“There’s nothing to get, Faith,” he said, disgust growing. “It’s none of your business. You’d better be on your way.”