“I work Tuesdays and Fridays and the occasional weekend,” he said. “The rest of the time, I’m here.”

Glancing over at the barn, she nodded to the horses. “You ride?”

“I do. I’ve been thinking of saddling up.”

“Why don’t you? I’ll show you around the area.”

“I’d like that.”

Gracefully climbing down from her horse, she led him to the barn and tied his reins to a post.

“I’ve been through the tack room already. Barney said I’m welcome to use whatever is in here. Not sure of the condition.”

“It’s mostly in good shape. I also help Robin and Sam take care of the horses. They don’t get ridden much since I started college, but you’ll change that,” she said, grinning at him.

Trying not to look at her too long, he felt a little nervous. Karin Smith liked to talk, so he was off the hook, letting her talk away without interruption, like he’d done with Bethany.

In the tack room, they went through the saddles and other equipment available and agreed that a vintage Texas saddle would work for a tall guy like Paul.

“Now that we’ve decided that, the question is who are you going to ride?”

“Any suggestions?”

“They’re both gentle giants. I just had Gloria out last week. Blackie might enjoy a trip today. Next time, I’ll leave Cleveland at home and we’ll take both these old girls out. So is it okay with you if we take Blackie?”

“Blackie it is,” he said, smoothing her side. “I hope I won’t be too heavy.”

“You’re fine. Did you ever meet Barney in person?”

“No, just over the phone.”

“He’s about two sixty-five on a light day and rode both girls for fifteen years.”

Chuckling, Paul just nodded. He placed a saddle blanket over Blackie’s back, and she immediately responded, a little dancing, her ears perky. She was ready. The saddle went on easily, and as he led her out to the driveway, he sensed she was ready for an afternoon ride.

They mounted the horses and Karin led the way. At the open gate to the dirt road, a truck approached, so they waited, and Dr. Faith waved, slowing down a little bit to give them the thumbs-up.

“She’s probably jealous I’m out with you,” Karin said, laughing.

“Why? I just met her,” Paul said, dumbfounded.

“Trust me, the minute word got out that there was a single guy living in Barney’s house, every Generation Z female put a plan into motion. Robin called me when Faith arrived, telling me I’d better get over here fast.”

“Oh, jeez,” Paul said, amused. “Does Dr. Faith live nearby?”

“She has a clinic with her dad, and they live at the top of our road, right about where you need four-wheel drive to get up any higher.”

“Can you get up higher on horseback?”

“Follow me,” she said, taking her horse out onto the road.

The road was rarely traveled except for residents. So far, he’d met two of the females, and they were both neighbors and both offered services he’d need. Karin working in the gardens might become a nuisance if she decided to hang around on his days off.

“Why don’t you come by Monday morning for the garden?” he asked.

That way, she’d be there when Dr. Faith was there, and he could kill two birds with one stone.

“Oh. Is that a good day for you?”