“Come in,” she called.

He cracked the door and looked in, and she had the headphones off and was waiting expectedly, so he threw the door open.


“Oh my God,” she said, standing as he walked toward her.

“Would madam come with me?” he asked with a bad faux French accent, holding out his hand.

She took it and looked first at his shorts and tried not to laugh. “Am I allowed to laugh?”

“Yes, of course. I was afraid you’d think I was into this.”

“Well, you are sort of, aren’t you?”

Looking him up and down, she didn’t know if she could contain it much longer.

“Only if it will please you,” he said.

The sound of the pump had alerted her that something requiring nakedness in front of him was about to occur, and she took a deep breath, feeling the first anxiety, or maybe it was excitement. They were going to finally make love.

Each time they’d gotten close, they mutually chose to stop at the last second. She’d seen part of him, but not the whole package. So tonight would be the night.

The bathroom was a sight, and she really lost it then, thinking of Paul, who was a no-nonsense kind of guy, going online and buying everything.

“I can’t imagine your search history,” she said, touching the cupid statue.

“I bought this at Heavenly Spa,” he said, grinning, pleased that she was pleased.

“Wait, you went into a store and subjected yourself to this just for me?”

“I did. They talked me into these underpants. What do you think?”

She made him turn around, and when she saw him from the back, with a little cheek hanging out, a zinger went right to her crotch. “I think you’re probably part of their sexual fantasies right about now.”

“Are you ready?” he whispered, knowing what it might cost her to undress in front of him. “Because I can leave and come back when you’re in the tub.”

“No. I want us to be together tonight.”

“Can I help you?”

She nodded, her heart racing. Pulling her T-shirt up over her breasts, he didn’t waste a second, going right to them with his mouth. He’d seem them already, but not like this, not completely on display. While he kissed them, he pulled her pants down over her hips and took a step back so he could see what he’d uncovered.

“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, helping her step out.

When she was completely naked, he didn’t waste any time taking the sash off and throwing it aside.

“This will be the only use I’ll get out of these things,” he said, throwing the gold lame underpants in the trash.

“No! I’m saving all of this stuff,” she said, rescuing the pants.

“Come here, now.”

“I can’t believe you’re mine,” she whispered, touching him.

Moaning, the shudder went through his entire body. Embracing fully nude for the first time, he kissed her, running his hands down the length of her body.

“Your skin is like silk. I never noticed before. There’s so much about you I need to learn.”