“Not with you. With me. If we get serious, she’d do the whole fat bride thing, unhealthy pregnancy, keeping fit for my hubby song and dance. She has issues having a fat daughter.”

“Please don’t call yourself fat,” he begged. “You have a woman’s body, and that’s what I want.”

“Well, that makes me the luckiest woman alive,” she said. “Do you want to go inside?”

He nodded, leaning over to kiss her first.

Paul was good looking, hardworking, and family oriented. In two days, Emily learned that he liked curvy women, was affectionate, protective, forgiving, private and loyal. She’d do what she could to seal the deal with him.

Carrying her bags and the pan of food, they went into the house together, locking the world out.

“I’m getting into my suit,” she said. “I just remembered I hiked in the heat today, so I’d better shower, too.”

“Me too. Where should I go?”

“You can have the guest room bathroom,” she said, leading the way. “The master is right through there. There’s also an outdoor shower.”

He kissed her again before they went their separate ways. In her bedroom, she decided she was wearing the bathing suit bottoms, black bikini bottoms that were full coverage in back but rode low on her hips, under her flat belly. The only issue was she hadn’t shaved for a bikini, so she quickly took a few swipes with the razor so she didn’t look like she was advertising anything.

Grabbing a couple of beach towels from the linen closet, she purposely didn’t cover up with one. She was comfortable in her body, and although the temptation was to hide because she didn’t want him to get the wrong idea, a thin girl wouldn’t do that, would she? She tried not to think of Bethany Behnig in her thong underpants dividing two perfectly smooth, round buns, walking the catwalk.

He waited for her in the kitchen, his bare chest tantalizing, and she worried that she was asking for trouble by taking on the role of keeper of the purity. Pausing, it was difficult not to stare.

“Wow,” he said, looking her up and down. “Just wow.”

She held her arm out at her side, smiling. “This is it, the whole thing. I guess it’s better to let it all hang out now so there are no surprises later. You know what you’re getting into with me right off the bat.”

“I want to grab you, but I won’t.”

“I guess it’s kind of mean of me,” she said, thinking maybe the board shorts were a better option. “We just had the hands-off conversation.”

“I’ll behave,” he said. “I’d rather look at you and be frustrated.”

“Let’s swim,” she said, laughing. But then the devil in her came out and she winked. “Join me in the shower if you want.”

The outdoor shower was in back of the house at the edge of the terrace, and they got into the stall together, which was a big mistake.

Later, she told Kathy his shoulders wereright there, waiting for her to lather up, a line of soft, black hair on his belly disappearing beneath the waistband of his swim trunks.

“He’s so muscular. I couldn’t help myself from kneading him, like I was giving him a massage. And when I finished washing his back and chest, he said he wanted to wash my feet; that was just a ruse to touch my thighs. He got down on his knees and went up my legs, his fingers reaching my bathing suit, and I almost lost it. He was squeezing my fat and moaning.”

“My bathing suit would have been off,” Kathy said, laughing.

“Thank God there’s always the threat of Billy walking through the yard. By the way, what’s going on with you two? I feel like I’m out of the loop after two days.”

“That’s what happens, you get a boyfriend, and the girlfriends get neglected. I’m just kidding. Nothing’s going to happen. I can’t live out in the boondocks. I love to visit you, but I’d get too bored up there full time. Plus neither of us want me to give up my alimony. But Billy and I will always be close. Plus he’s good in bed.”

“Too much information. Although I thought I heard you yodeling the other night.”

“It was me and the coyotes, competing. Any hints about your fireman’s prowess?”

“He’s very attentive, as I’ve said,” Emily replied, laughing.

“What about endowment? That’s another unfortunate issue with Billy; he’s on the small side.”

“Kathy, your husband was hung like a horse, and what good did it do you?”

“You’re avoiding the question.”