“Our mouths. We kissed. We have to be satisfied with that. Oh, we can, you know, mash.”

He roared laughing. “You mean like…”

“Yes. We can pretend. No hands though.”

“I know I can’t do that for too long. I’ll mess myself.”

Another bout of hysterical laughter, and before they knew it, they were in his driveway.

“Seriously, do you want to come inside?”

“No, I’d better wait out here,” she said, still giggling.

“Okay, I’ll be right back.”

“Take the food!” Emily cried. “All of it.”

“I’ll take two pans, and we can have one at your house.”

He had just gone inside when the lights in the yard next door flicked on, and the figure of an older woman came out and agilely climbed the fence, jumping off the top onto Paul’s driveway.

Waving madly, she bore down on his truck. “I’m Robin, Paul’s neighbor. You are?”

“Waiting for Paul,” Emily replied cagily. “If you want to talk to him, he’ll be right out.”

Robin wasn’t going to take that answer though. “No, I mean who are you?”

Just about to ask who wants to know and why, the door to the cabin opened and Paul sprinted down the steps.

“What’s up, Robin?” he asked, not smiling.

“I was just asking who your friend is.”

“This is my girlfriend, Emily.” He threw his bag into the back and squeezed by her to open the door.

Robin took a step backward to get out of his way, but she didn’t seem bothered by the cool reception she’d received.

“Watch yourself,” he said, looking her in the eye.

Starting the engine, he looked at Emily, not lowering his voice. “I’m so sorry. What a bunch of snooping people.”

Throwing the shift into reverse, he didn’t say goodbye or acknowledge Robin again.

“I wouldn’t have introduced you, but I didn’t want her to think I was trying to hide our relationship, either.”

The truth was that he introduced her because he was afraid if he didn’t, Robin would think he was ashamed of Emily. Danny’s comment about her size pissed him off, but it had rolled off his back. But then the response she’d gotten at his aunt’s house, first from Candy’s inappropriate comment about a Barbie doll, then his aunt and then his mother, had set him up to be defensive, which he hated, because Emily didn’t need defending.

Flushing, she figured out why he had said it, but didn’t want to harp on it. Paranoia about her body setting in this early in a relationship wasn’t healthy.

On the short drive over to her house, he took her hand and brought it to his lips. His five-o’clock shadow tickled, but the tickle quickly became erotic, moving up her arm, across her shoulders and erecting her nipples, his touch waking up her body that had lain dormant for so long. But she’d be strong. This was a good guy who offered her a relationship in its infancy. It was worth taking her time.

Pulling into the driveway, Paul was thinking similar thoughts. This woman was one to cherish, which meant taking it slow.

“I was just thinking that our fathers aren’t going to be a problem. That’s a big plus in my opinion. I still have to meet your mother.”

“No, you don’t.”

“Ha! Yes, I do. Do you think she might have a problem?”