As Paul pulled off, Emily watched him, the stony expression on his face and the tic in his jaw. Driving the serpentine streets of the neighborhood, they finally left the foothills, and he merged onto the highway.

“I’m sorry about my mother. She can be a disrespectful jerk. A good indication was being there at my uncle’s house with another man, a week after telling me she was going to divorce my dad. It’s not surprising that she’d act that way to my girlfriend, but it’s still horrible.”

He took his eyes off the road for a second to look at her, grabbing her hand. “Forgive me?”

Her heart was still back atmy girlfriend, but she didn’t want to ignore his passionate apology.

“I have nothing to forgive you for, Paul. I think you’re wonderful. Parents can be jerks. And your dad more than made up for it.”

“Isn’t he a great guy? My dad is my biggest supporter.”

“He was so nice. Anyway, it was a really nice Sunday. I’ll go back if you invite me. They’ll get used to having someone around who doesn’t starve themselves, and pretty soon they’ll stop mentioning it.”

“You saw Candy; she’s not exactly a stick woman.”

Emily burst out laughing. “The first thing she said to me is thank god you’re not another Barbie doll.”

Scowling, Paul didn’t like that either. “Candy is as bad as my mother. She’s also a gossip, just for your information. You might have noticed I had little to say to any of the sisters-in-law except for Leon’s girlfriend, Ava.”

“She was very nice, told me about Leon’s baby. She said there’s a whole story behind it.”

Barking out a laugh, Paul nodded. “She’s not kidding. Do you want me to tell you?”

“If you want. I can wait for Ava.”

“You and Ava can bond over Leon’s stupidity. Leon is the black sheep of the family, but no one but Leon will say it out loud.”

“That’s kind of sad. I guess in a big family someone has to be the bad guy.”

“He’s one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet. The gossip is that he isn’t Big Mike’s kid.”

“What? That’s awful. I guess I didn’t notice if he looks like the rest of the brothers.”

“He looks like Roberta and her family. Her brothers are all burly guys, so he has that physique.”

“Does Big Mike know there’s talk about it?”

“He must. It’s been talked about since we were kids. Anyway, like you said, there always has to be someone, and Leon lets it roll right off his back.”

“I wonder how long they’ll survive the undercurrent. It would drive me nuts.”

“I’m used to it. It’s also why I live up here.” They’d just gotten off the highway at their exit. “With all the relatives working at Station #34, it’s too much. It’s not the entire reason, but it was a motivator.”

“But on Sundays you’ll make an exception.”

“Right. Plus I like the food.”

Once again, they laughed, and that would bind them together.

“One of the things that I want in a relationship is a sense of humor, and we have that, definitely. We can make each other laugh.”

“I’m glad I make you laugh. I wasn’t too sure when we left your aunt’s house.”

“I get mad, but it doesn’t last long.”

“And I can hold a grudge forever,” she replied. “We’re perfect opposites in that regard.”

“Uh-oh, I’d better watch it.”