“Kindergarten,” Emily answered.

Frowning, Clare reared back a little bit. “Yikes, running after a bunch of five-year-olds must be exhausting.”

“Not at all. At least not for me,” Emily replied, launching into a description of a fun day with her students.

The story was lost on Clare, however, even when Emily laughed sharing a comical anecdote, quickly interrupting her. “So you were out hiking today, Paul tells me.”

“We met the others for a trail hike,” Emily said, regrouping.

“It’s pretty steep around here, isn’t it? Roberta said she and Mike can’t even walk behind their house unless someone is with them because they’re afraid of tripping it’s so rutted back there.”

“I hike all the time. Bike ride, swim, surf. It’s not a big deal.”

“Oh, is that right?” Clare looked at her in skepticism. “Do you worry about your knees?”

“My knees? I’m not sure I understand.”

Cozying up to her conspiratorially, Clare whispered, “I’m referring to the extra weight. Each pound adds so much more stress to your knees. I’ve read the pressure doubles with each extra pound.”

Evidently, whatever Paul had said to her hadn’t made an impact. Emily didn’t reply, stunned.

Showing up out of nowhere, Paul loomed over her, offering his hand. “Come on, Em. We’re heading for home,” he said, glaring at his mother. “Aunt Roberta has our food for the week packed up. You won’t be cooking after all.”

Relief flooded over her. She didn’t respond to Clare, but she prayed Paul hadn’t heard the entire conversation. Turning her back without saying goodbye to Clare, Emily allowed Paul to lead her away.

They stopped in the kitchen on the way out, and Roberta hugged her like she was a daughter, whispering, “Forgive me for earlier.”

“Forgiven and forgotten,” Emily said sincerely.

“Big Mike will help you with all this stuff,” she said, indicating three disposable aluminum pans of food.

“I’ll help them,” Charlie said. “Mike’s knees are giving him fits.”

In silence, they each took a pan of food out to Paul’s truck. Emily accepted that they’d overheard Clare and steeled herself for more embarrassment. Neither said a word though. Charlie hugged her first, and then Paul.

“I’ll come up sometime during the week to bring a load of stuff you wanted. Is that okay?”

“Pop, that’s great. I’ll be waiting.”

“If you work all night, let me know, and I’ll make it later in the day. I’m taking the week off.”

“Good for you,” Paul said. “What’s the occasion?”

“I’m going to Reno tomorrow to rent an apartment, but I’ll be back Tuesday.”

Frowning, it took Paul a moment. “Oh, yikes.”

He was going to establish residency so he could get a divorce from Clare.

“Yes. Anyway, it was great meeting you, Emily. Will I see you?”

She looked at Paul, smiling.

“Yes. You’ll have dinner with us, won’t you, Em?”

“I will.”

They chatted for another minute and finally said goodbye, Charlie stepping up on the curb so they could leave.