“So, are you two serious?” Candy asked.

“I am,” Emily said. “But don’t tell Paul yet. I don’t want to scare him away.”

“How long have you been together? Because honestly, after Bethany, he’s never brought a girl here, so he must be serious, too.”

“We’ve known each other for a week, and yesterday was our first date.”

“Wait, he brought you to Sunday dinner, and you’re on your second date?” Candy asked.

“Paul doesn’t mess around,” Bridget said, giggling. “After Bethany, a woman with a brain would be difficult to pass up.”

The women all laughed.

“I didn’t really get to see the other men, but are there any ugly people in this family?” Emily asked, frowning, eliciting more laughter from the other women.

“Not really. You’ll see. Even Big Mike, who is the patriarch, he’s big, but he’s good looking. All these sons!”

After a mile, they turned back. “My mother is going to bitch if we’re late,” Joey called out.

Back at the house, Roberta greeted Emily, and her look wasn’t missed. She was surprised. Emily wanted to know why; did she not expect Paul to bring a date? Was it the athletic clothes? Or was it Emily’s size? She’d soon find out. It would appear that the older women weren’t as generous as the younger ones were.

“The bathroom is around that corner if you want to change,” Paul said. “I’ll be right behind you.”

In the bathroom she washed up, having remembered to bring a washcloth and towel, and changed into white capris and a short-sleeved shirt, showing off tanned, muscular arms. When she came out, Paul raised his eyebrows playfully.

“You’re just beautiful,” he whispered. “I’ll be right out, but you can go to the living room if you want. Leave your bag, and I’ll take it out to the car.”

Roberta apprehended her on her way out to the living room. “Come in the kitchen, and I’ll get you a drink. It’s too hot to be out there on the trail. What can I get you? There’s soda, lemonade, iced tea, water…”

“Water’s great,” Emily answered.

“Just so you know, Clare is out there. Paul’s mother.”

“I heard,” Emily said. “I’m looking forward to meeting her.”

“She’s critical, so if she says anything about your size, don’t be offended.”

Like she’d just thrown ice water at her, Emily felt the heat spreading across her body. At the same time, Candy walked in.

“I just told her how thrilled I was that she was a normal-sized woman, Roberta. Emily, ignore Roberta. She has chronic foot-in-mouth disease.”

Sputtering, it might have gotten to Roberta finally that her words couldn’t be taken back. “Oh god, I do have it. It’s just that your boobs are huge, right? I can say that without offending you?”

Emily burst out laughing. There was no denying her boobs were huge. “I’m not offended. And, Candy, thank you.”

“Let’s go out and meet Clare Saint. I’ll back you up if she says anything inappropriate.”

“She’s with Harry Steinberg,” Roberta said. “What’s more inappropriate than that?”

“Yeah, Mom, why’d you invite Clare?” Joey asked, putting his arm around Candy.

“Be quiet, here comes Paul.”

“Are you ready to meet the family?” he asked Emily.

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” she said.

“You should get out while you can,” Joey said.