“I like what you’re wearing,” he said.

She wore a popular brand of athletic wear, and she really looked like an athlete, clean clothes to change into later in her bag.

“Thanks. I’m trying to step it up from my usual grubby workout clothes.”

“You’ll fit right in. My cousins’ wives are fashion conscious. I think they try to outdo each other.”

“Ugh,” she said, laughing. ‘So what are your cousins and their wives like?”

“Like? They’re like us. Most are twentysomething, except my cousin Leon’s girlfriend is a cougar.”

She didn’t ask but would find out on her own if the women were all thin. It bothered her that she cared.

“So Leon’s girlfriend is older?”

“Yep, stirred up the family for a bit. You’ll see.”

She saw right away. They weren’t even out of his truck when a crowd of cousins converged, all talking at once. In the sea of faces, four attractive women introduced themselves and dragged her off.

“We wanted to warn you, away from Paul. I’m Candy, Joey’s wife. I’m so glad you’re not a Barbie doll, you have no idea.

“You know about Bethany, right? She never spoke to us. Ever. After we ate, she always disappeared for a while, and Roberta thinks she was purging. I’m a doctor, and trust me, there was something not right about her.

“We practically cast a spell hoping she’d get a show so she’d move to LA and leave poor Paul alone. But that’s not all!” Candy cried.

“Let me tell her. I’m Leon’s girlfriend, Ava. Paul’s mother, Clare, is here with her boyfriend! Charlie is supposedly coming too, so be prepared.”

“I got the feeling Paul wasn’t too thrilled about his parents splitting up,” Emily admitted as the women chattered on.

Emily’s mind was swirling. She glanced behind them as they trudged down the trail toward the lake, and Paul was in a crowd of cousins, smiling. So they hadn’t told him the news.

“Why would Clare bring Harry here?” Candy asked. “It feels so disrespectful to me.”

Two more women joined them, young, attractiveBarbie dolls.

“I’m Tony’s wife, Bridget. Roberta said Clare called to find out if Paul was coming. Of course Paul’s coming. He comes every Sunday for dinner. But see, when she and Charlie were together, she didn’t come because she’s chronically pissed off at Charlie, and Charlie never misses a Sunday.”

The women hiked up a steep incline with Ava in the lead. “You’re not even breaking a sweat,” Candy said to Emily. “I’m ready to go back.”

“You must work out,” Bridget said.

“I’m a kindergarten teacher,” Emily replied, and they laughed.

“Where’d you meet Paul?”

“I got a summer job with the fire service, clearing brush all day.”

“Ugh! Like weed whipping?” Candy asked.

“That’s exactly what it is. That’s why my shoulders look like a linebacker’s.”

“Your arms are awesome,” Ava said. “As soon as Violet is in nursery school, I’ll do something like that. I’d much rather have a physical job.”

“Is Violet your daughter?”

“She’s Leon’s. Long story, so let me know when you have time to hear.”

“Oh, okay,” Emily said, smiling. “I’ll be ready to hear the family history.”