Sam was a morbidly obese, but Faith wisely didn’t mention it.

“They’re just leaving. He’s dressed up.”

“Robin, with all due respect, you shouldn’t be spying on him like that.”

“I’m doing it for you, Faith!”

“Well, stop it! I never asked you to do that, and I know he’d probably bemortified if he found out.”

Silence for a second.


The line clicked, dead. So now she’d offended a client, but it had to be done. She might even tell Paul to be on guard since it appeared Robin wasn’t going to stop spying on him.

Karin Smith’s response would be worse. She fed into the news at Robin’s delight, the two of them verbally slaughtering the couple, calling Paul boring and stupid and his girlfriend a disgusting pig.

“So you’ve met her?” Robin asked.

“No, I haven’t met her! I only know about her because of what you said.”

Finally realizing that she might have taken the situation too far, Robin backed down. “She’s really rather attractive. She had on heels, and her hair is pretty, white blond that didn’t look like it came out of a bottle. And she’s fit. She’s just big.”

“You said she was fat,” Karin replied, accusatory.

“Yes, fat, but nota disgusting pig. Maybe we need to reel it in a little bit, Karin. We don’t want to send bad mojo out to them.”

“I couldn’t care less,” Karin said. “I’m hanging up. I’ll tell him I’ll garden when he’s at work from now on.”

While the neighborhood ladies cast bad vibes against the couple, they were driving mountain roads to the restaurant. Sometime during the half-hour ride, their hands intertwined unless there was a curve he had to navigate and he’d let go. But the second he could, he took her hand again. The need to have physical contact with her was unlike anything he’d ever experienced before. He just needed to touch her.

No one followed them, and he drove slowly so they could talk, their conversation comfortable and nonstop. Emily Porter’s voice was like music to him. Everything she said, he agreed with, and if he didn’t completely understand what the point was that she was trying to make, she listened patiently to his questions and then answered them until he was satisfied.

When he finally took a breath, Paul Saint realized that something had been put into motion that he wouldn’t attempt to squelch. He really liked her and didn’t want the night to end.Slow down, mofo,he said to himself.

Sunday morning, when he woke up, he had a smile on his face. Having to wait until two in the afternoon to see Emily felt like an eternity, so he reached for his phone, saw it wasn’t too ungodly early, and sent her a text.

Will you have breakfast with me?

A minute later, her reply.

I’d love to.

They made arrangements to meet at the fire station for the monthly all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast. He got there before she did and waited by his truck, as they’d planned. She pulled into the parking lot, and his heart rate increased exponentially, her beautiful smile the first thing he saw.

“Hey, you,” he said, opening her car door and offering a hand.

They embraced, and then he kissed her on the lips for the first time. Their reluctance to let each other go was evident across the parking lot, where his coworkers who worked the weekend shift were hosing down the trucks.

“Saint’s brought his girlfriend to the right place. All you can eat,” Mike Barbour said. “Danny Ferguson wasn’t kidding when he said she was huge.”

“You’re nuts. I think she’s gorgeous,” Pete Acker replied. “Look at the tits on her. I wouldn’t mind having those two things lying across my face.”

The men laughed, averting their eyes when Paul and Emily approached.

“Hey, guys!” Paul called out. “How’d it go last night?”

They looked up, innocent expressions on their faces.