He didn’t move his arm, but actually pulled her a little closer to his body, looking down at her face. “It’s not over. The sun is still out; the pool is still waiting. Did you have plans for the evening? I shouldn’t assume you left it open for me.”

“I left the weekend open for you. Don’t forget Aunt Roberta’s.”

“Ha! No, I won’t do that. Now the only problem I can see is deciding when does this day end and tomorrow begin?”

“Um, that might be dangerous,” she replied, giggling. “Even if I wish it didn’t have to.”

“I think that’s why people get married,” he said softly.

“Don’t you have to know someone longer than a week?”

“I don’t know,” he answered. “I’ve never wanted to be with someone all the time.”

“Well, let’s take it slow,” she said, determined to be the strong one. “We need a plan for the day. I didn’t even think of dinner.”

“I’m taking you out, then. What’s your favorite food? Don’t think about it too long! Quick, answer!”


“Okay, we’ll go into Temecula tonight. There’s a steak house right when you come down the mountain.”

“I love that place! My father took me there for Valentine’s Day when I was a little girl.”

“Okay, perfect. I’m ready to get back in the pool for a while. Then you can get dressed, and we’ll head over to the cabin so I can put on something other than my Hawaiian shirt, and we can go!”

“I can’t wait.”

From across the road, Faith Bogart watched as they walked to the front door of her house hand in hand, stepping over the threshold, the door closing after them.

Chapter 4

Inside the casita she rented from her father on his ranch, Faith was livid. She threw her bags across the room, knocking over a vase of dead gladiolas. Water and rotting flower stems covered the Mexican tile floor and walls. She would never have suspected anything if busybody Robin hadn’t called her around lunchtime.

“Lover boy is leaving the house in a Hawaiian shirt. What’s that all about?”

“Who knows? I’ve tried to talk to the man, but he’s impossible to get a read on. He’s definitely not interested in pursuing me. Maybe he likes younger women. He went for a ride with Karin; ask her. How old’s the model? Twenty-two?”

Trying to put him out of her mind, it wasn’t until she saw his truck parked in that driveway that her curiosity got the best of her. She was rewarded for the wait, too, when she saw the middle-aged guy leave the house, with Paul and a girl following after him.

There was no indication of anything until Paul slipped his arm possessively over the girl’s shoulders. A hot flash of epic proportions washed over Faith’s body. So maybe this was why he was unapproachable. He had a girlfriend. A chubby one, at that.

Blood boiling, she waited until they went back inside the house to drive off.

What now? She’d mistakenly placed some hopes on Paul Saint. He was a new face. She didn’t have time to meet men the conventional ways, and internet dating was not for her.

“Damn it!”

Her phone rang and she growled when she saw it was Robin again.

“Yes, Robin.”

“He’s back with a woman. A girl, really. She’s dressed up like she’s on a date.”

“Yeah, it’s his girlfriend, Robin. Stop spying on him. He’s obviously taken.”

“We thought he was a modelizer. Why would a guy who looks like him date a fat girl? I don’t get it.”

Shaking her head in disgust, Faith carefully worded her response. Robin and Sam were good clinic customers, so she didn’t want to insult Robin in spite of her stupidity. “I’ve seen her and she’s curvy. He must like curvy girls. To each his own.”