“I do. I moved to Fallbrook right after fire academy, but last week I moved into the old cabin on the ranch.”

“Interesting. I’d love to see it someday.”

“Anytime,” Paul said.

“Well, I won’t interrupt your afternoon. Just came up to make sure you weren’t being held at gunpoint.”

Emily climbed out of the pool, grabbing a towel to wrap about her chest. “Have some lunch. I was just thinking about the cheesecake I forgot to serve for dessert.”

“What did you serve?”

“Italian subs. I’ve got tons left.”

“I’ll have more,” Paul said, out of the pool now, drying his hair.

Cringing, Emily saw her father checking him out, his glorious body and bathing suit that, in spite of its coverage, was clinging to him and left little to the imagination. Again, the thought,Why is he interested in me?went through her mind, and she wondered if the colonel thought the same thing.

The men loaded plates up again, her father’s unannounced presence ruining her appetite, so she just poured herself a glass of water, and they went back out to the terrace.

“You sure have a beautiful day up here. We’ve got marine layer in San Marcos.”

“June gloom,” Paul said.

“So you grew up in Escondido?” the colonel asked.

“No. Rancho Santa Fe.”

Paul saw the wheels turning again but didn’t feel like he owed him an explanation about how a firefighter could afford to live there, and Colonel Porter didn’t ask.

“Where’d you go to high school?”

“Cathedral Catholic.”

“His brother is Oliver Saint,” Emily explained. “How exciting is that!”

“Is that right! Well, I’m hopeful he’ll make a big difference this year.”

The conversation about football got them through the meal, and when he was done eating, Rob Porter helped clean up and then said goodbye.

“Answer your phone, will you, please?”

“Sorry, Dad,” she said, catching him off guard.

She hadn’t called him dad in a long, long time. The visit had exposed an issue that needed to be gently and diplomatically addressed by putting boundaries in place. She loved her old dad so much, but the truth was the untimely visit could have been horrific. She was just glad Paul was a gentleman and hadn’t tried to have sex in the pool because she would have probably consented.

They walked him out to the car together, making small talk about the recent fire practically in Emily’s backyard. Rob Porter sensed the chemistry between Paul and his daughter, and rather than it making him anxious for her well-being, a wave of peace flooded him. He’d always worried about her, and maybe he could start to let go.

“I’m sorry again for interrupting.”

“No worries at all,” they chorused.

“I’m glad to meet you, sir.”

They stood watching him back out of her driveway, and Paul unconsciously placed his arm across Emily’s shoulder. She felt it there, the weight of it, and it did something to her heart, opening it up to whatever he had to offer her. At the same time, the misgivings about her worthiness started to fade. If he wanted to be with her, who was she to question that?

“Yikes,” Paul mumbled when the car was out of sight.

“Ah, yeah,” she replied, chuckling. “I was having so much fun, too.”