“This is delicious, by the way. One of my few talents is eating. I’m a connoisseur of fine Italian subs.”

“Oh, is that right?” she said, giggling. “I’m glad I made the cut.”

“You’re number one,” he said, acting corny, but so comfortable with her. “I’m usually not so dorky. I mean, outside of family.”

“I’m flattered, then,” she replied, laughing.

“I remembered how I know you. I mean where I recognize you.Vice. Season four.”

“Yep, that was me. They offered me more, but I’m not an actor, and learning the lines was hopeless. I didn’t have the interest. I really just did it for the girl I was seeing at the time.”

Then, like a bolt of lightning, or a bucket of hot water thrown at her, she remembered Bethany Behnig. “I just remembered something else,” she said, incredulous. How on earth was she dating that supermodel’s ex? “The girl you were seeing, she was Bethany Behnig, correct?”

“Yes. She’s history.”

Nodding, he wished the name hadn’t been mentioned, hoping she’d leave it alone, and fortunately, she did. They finished eating and he helped her clean up.

“I’ll be right back. I forgot to get the pool floats out of the garage.”

“I’ll help,” he said, following her.

Her garage was neatly organized. On the far wall, a rack her father had built stored her surfboard collection.

“Wow, are these yours?”

“They are,” she answered. “Do you surf?”

“Ah, no. We spent the summers at the family beach house, but I never got the hang of it. My father, now…”

“If you want to learn, I used to teach at Ray’s Surf Shop.” She pulled her shirt out at the sides, and he saw that she was wearing a faded Ray’s Surf Shop shirt.

“I’m not sure I’m teachable, but I’ll try. And I’d love to watch you surf. Let’s plan on going to the beach soon.”

“I’d like that. Once I moved up here, it takes an act of God to get me off this mountain.”

“It’s because it’s your home. I think that’s really cool.”

“You said you just moved up here, right?”

“Right. My goal has been to live up here since I was hired. I like the cabin, but I’m renting. I can already see the disadvantages though. My landlord has horses, so there is always someone around. The privacy thing might be an issue.”

“Maybe you could tell them to come when you’re gone.”

“Duh! Why didn’t I think of that?”

“Where’s your cabin?”

“It’s at Firehouse Ranch.”

“Oh my God! I love that area.”

“I’ll take you over to see it soon.”

“Here, take this floaty chair,” she said, laughing. “Just ask me. I know all the tricks. My father is wonderful about coming up to deal with workmen. I don’t like the intrusion, either.”

“You don’t strike me as being an introvert,” he said gently. “Unlike me. Pathological here.”

“Really? You seem perfectly fine to me,” she said, winking. Leaving the garage, she nodded toward the pool. “You brought a suit, didn’t you?”