“Was your invitation to swim serious?”

“Absolutely. I’d love to have you and your family.”

“Well, it’s just me,” he said, shutting off the weed whip. “I’d like to see you again. And your pool sounds great.”

She stared at his chin for a moment, and he had the unsettling idea suddenly that maybe she had a family. He’d assumed she was single for some reason; wishful thinking?

“I’m sorry, are you even available?” he asked, eyebrows up, hopeful.

“I’m available. And I’d love to have you over.”

“Are you free tomorrow?”

“I’m free,” she said, her hands shaking. “Do you want to make it later tomorrow in case you work all night?”

“If that happens, I can sleep by the pool, right? Or is that too rude?” he asked, laughing.

“Not at all. Although my neighbor might have binoculars on you,” she said.

“I have the same problem. She always knows what I’m doing.”

“My neighbor’s a guy, just sayin’. So how about tomorrow at one? I’ll have food.”

“Great. Thank you so much. I’m looking forward to it.” He got out his phone. “Will you send your address?”

“Sure,” she said, getting her phone out of her back pocket.

He recited his number and she keyed it in. Seconds later he got a map with her address on it. “I could walk there. You’re right on the edge of that fire.”

“Right on the edge. I was up all night with a hose aimed at my house.”

After chatting for a while, they got back to clearing brush, Emily trying not to squeal with excitement, and Paul unable to take his eyes off her ass.

After work, she waved while getting into her car, and he waved back. Getting out her phone, she sent Kathy a text.

You’re so smart. How do I rate having a friend like you?

Starting the engine, she pulled out of the fire station parking lot and headed home. It was only a short distance away, just like the firefighter had said. When she pulled into the garage, her phone went off.

What did I do now?

Emily texted back,Can I call you?

In two seconds, her phone rang. “What’s up?”

“I have a date for tomorrow. Paul Saint, one of the firefighters, led the crew today, and when I suggested everyone come to swim, he approached me and said he’d like to see me if I was available and could he come to swim.”

Gasping, Kathy didn’t hold back. “OMG! I knew it! I had a feeling. I’m so excited.”

“Felt like he was watching me all day. I’d catch him and he’d smile.”

“How’s he look?”

“Better looking than any guy I’ve ever dated, and he’s got a body on him that doesn’t quit. He reminds me of someone, but I can’t remember who now.”

“Like your body that doesn’t quit. What does Billy say about it? ? You’re a brick ? house,” she sang.

Laughing and flattered, Emily trusted Kathy.